56 - The Creation Of The Cult

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(Irene POV)

I stood on a stage in front of a bunch of different people, holding a microphone in my hand. It's been a couple of days since the Takao Attack, and now it's time to finally put the plan into action.

In order to stay inconspicuous we had this hideout in an abandoned building. As nice as it would be to use one of the lower floors of Aegis Mansion, the sight of a bunch of people coming into the Mansion would be quite suspicious.

I tapped the microphone, making sure that it worked.

"Hello everyone. Thank you all for coming today." I said, receiving a plethora of claps and cheers in response.

"If you have come here, then you know what you are getting into. If anybody wishes to back out now, they can go." I stated.

Nobody moved. A small smile slipped onto my lips.

"Good. Welcome to the Cult Of Loki." I greeted.

The crowd once more erupted in cheers.

"That has a good ring to it, doesn't it?" I lightly chuckled. "Anyways, this is the formal start of our organization."

"We all know why we're here. We're becoming an organization to protect the Aegis Family and it's allies, but most specifically my fiancé Ken Kage." I started my speech.

"The world is dangerous. With the return of the Takao Family and the Assassin League hiding in the shadows, there are many threats in this world." I continued.

"You must be completely ready to fight. That's why we'll be training you as well. But once you're in the Cult, you're not getting out. I do not wish to repeat another incident like the one with my brother." I stated.

"I'll give you one last chance to back out." I added.

Nobody moved.

"Alright. From now on, you all part of the Cult Of Loki. First, introductions are in order." I told them.

"My name is Irene Aegis, Senior Sister of the Cult. I have the highest authority in the Cult, and will be making most of the decisions. I don't mind hearing your thoughts, however." I continued.

"These are the other Sisters." I stated, gesturing to my side.

Four others walked onto the stage, standing next to me.

"Iris Aegis, Erica Arthurson, Yui Yosei, and Lily Akuma." I stated. "These are the people with the second highest authority."

"If we are in a case where none of the Sisters are available, the next in charge is Diane." I replied, gesturing it my other side.

Diane walked up the stairs onto the stage, stopping besides me. Despite her blindfold, she was still able to easily walk and maneuver around without the help of a cane or another person.

It impresses me quite a bit.

"She's not a Sister, but head of soon-to-be Team Alpha." I informed. "Team Alpha will be the highest group it is possible to get into. At the moment the only member is Diane, so if you work hard you may get promoted."

"Only the strongest will go into Alpha. But even if you aren't in Team Alpha, don't worry. Everybody will be helpful." I continued.

"Now that introductions are over, I'll have you informed that we have received our first missions." I stated.

The crowd gasped in surprise. Even Iris and the rest of the Sisters were surprised.

"The first mission is this." I told them, pulling out a sparking silver phone. "This is a phone of one of the Takao delinquents. We believe that with it we may be able to track down the location of the Takao head."

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