92 - An Intervention

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I watched the dark waves crash against the sand of the beach. It was dark, the only light being my own fire in my hands.

It was my time on lookout today, and I'm using that to get some work done while I keep watch.

I grunted as I felt the mana moving through my body. I was pushing it through, making another mana vein.

"Gah!" I cried out, clutching my side in pain.

"Ken, you need to stop." Loki suddenly said in my head. "You're hurting yourself."

I'm fine. I need to do this.

"You've already made ten mana veins. You're just going to hurt yourself if you keep pushing forwards." Loki stated.

I appreciate the concern, but I have to do this. I need to become as strong as possible for when the Demon King arrives.

I'd rather not have the whole world enslaved, now that I've finally started to find my place here.

"That doesn't mean you can hurt yourself to get stronger." Loki argued.

"A little pain now will go a long way." I stated.

"Just let me help you." Loki asked. "The reason Merlin doesn't want me to help is because she doesn't trust me. Ken, I'm a god of magic. Merlin may be one of the most talented and knowledgeable wizards, but I'm still a god."

"Well, you are the God of Trickery." I replied.

"You know what?" Loki suddenly said. "That's it."

"What?" I asked before my vision suddenly went dark.








"What's going on?" I groaned, standing up.

I slowly opened my eyes, being greeted to a dark void. In the distance was a dark castle. The one where I met Loki. Is this my mind again?

"I'm calling an intervention." I heard someone say from behind me.

Turning around, I was met with Loki. Except unlike last time he wasn't wearing his armor, and instead a hoodie, jeans, and socks and sandals.

"Where'd your armor go?" I asked.

"You took it." Loki sweatdropped.

"Oh, I didn't realize I actually stole that from you..." I replied. "Also, what the hell?!"

"I'm calling an intervention. You need to stop and take a break before you get yourself hurt." Loki stated.

"I already took a break on my birthday, I don't need another one." I replied.

"That's a stupid way of thinking. At this rate you'll overwork yourself." He stated.

"Look, I have to do this. We have three months, including this one, until the Demon King arrives. He's coming in March." I stated.

"And why does that have to happen in March, and not later?" Loki questioned.

"You know just as well as I do that the Demon King's return is inevitable. You've seen my memories." I replied. "As long as humans exist, we'll cause chaos. It's only a matter of time before he gets the amount he needs to break out."

"And even though I've changed what happened in the original story, especially by preventing Irene's death, still plenty of chaos has been caused." I continued. "I don't have time to waste."

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