112 - The Last Arc

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We quickly ran through the streets. We had no time to waste. We needed to get to the middle of Tokyo as quick as we could.

We left Merlin back at the Dojo. We both knew she wasn't strong enough to go against the Demon King, not after her powers deteriorated. I was slightly worried, but she had assured me earlier she was at least strong enough to survive a monster barging through the Dojo's doors.

At almost every street we passed there was another rift. There were plenty of adventurers running around and saving people, and many were protecting the safe-houses.

A Scorpius scuttled onto the street in front of us, hissing as it snapped it's claws. It looked towards us, growling.

We quickly dodged as it rushed us, sending it's large stinger for a strike. Bianca stabbed it, making it roar as it turned to her.

Now that it was distracted Erica sent a holy strike through the air, cutting off the stinger from the rest of the Scorpius.

It screeched in pain, writhing around. Irene jumped over it, slamming her hammer onto the top of stinger, slamming it down into the skull of the Scorpius and killing it.

"Another one...this is the most that have ever arrived at once..." Principal muttered.

"This only confirms it." Iris grimly nodded. "The Demon King arrives today."

"Hey!" Lily called out, running over to us with a child in her arms. Behind her limped a woman, heavily bleeding.

Yui quickly started healing the woman as Lily soothed the child down. Lily had a surprising affinity with children.

Slipping the woman a pamphlet, Yui backed up as the woman was now fully healed. Lily handed the child back to the woman.

"Thank you, thank you so much." She smiled, tears gathering in the corner of her eyes.

"No problem." Principal replied. "You better head to the safe house at the apartment buildings. There will be other adventurers there to keep you safe."

"Okay! I will! Thank you!" She yelled as she ran off.

We quickly picked up pace again, weaving through the streets as we continued to head towards the center. As we got closer and closer, I started to see something in between the buildings.

It looked like a giant rift, still a short distance away. It worried me, just how large of a rift was needed to sustain the Demon King's arrival?

An explosion caught our ears. As we looked to the sky, a helicopter spiraled out of control through the air, it's back on fire. It crashed somewhere in the city with another explosion.

"Damn it." Principal muttered. "There's Gargoyles as well..."

There were five winged, stone beings in the sky. I probably didn't need to explain to you what a gargoyle looked like. The only difference between these and our decorative ones were that these were alive and had a shiny red crystal in their chest.

They were C Rank Monsters, and it was due to that gem. That was their weak point, which made killing them easy if you could hit that. The rest of their body was practically impenetrable however.

The swooped down towards our direction, locking us into their sights. We quickly scattered as they crashed into the ground, standing up without a scratch.

They growled at us, their claws sharpening as each one rushed at a different person. One sent a swipe towards me, which I quickly dodged and stabbed my axe into the gem, splitting it in half. The Gargoyle's eyes quickly faded as it collapsed onto the ground.

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