The Pink Death jumped backwards, holding her glowing pink katana. Did she just try to fucking kill me?!
"Who the hell hired you?" I growled.
She didn't respond.
I don't know how the fuck she knew I was going to be here, but it's likely that she was hired to take me out.
First off, assassins don't go killing random people. That's unprofessional. Second, that strange feeling might have been somehow caused by this Pink Death, as weird as it sounds.
What if she was hired by Lupercio?
While Lupercio never hired an assassin to go after Erica (that I know of), things played out a lot differently in this reality than in the anime. Irene wasn't killed, and Lupercio no longer has his inside man.
But I saved Irene, Iris, and Yui, and I even took out the traitor. Thanks to my knowledge of the future I've thrown more wrenches in his plan than Erica did in the anime.
That's why I've never heard of The Pink Death. She wasn't needed to stop Erica.
Loki started to morph into a katana.
Why a katana? I saw her speed when she was against Amber. She's as quick as I am without a weapon.
But due to the fact the axe is a heavier weapon, I can't be as quick as when I just use my fists. And I can't use my fists since she has a freaking glowing sword, and could easily cut me up.
So a katana it is. Besides, I've got a plan.
The Pink Death and I analyzed each other, stuck in a standstill. Examining her weapon, I noticed that it was also a katana. But for some reason it glowed pink. What is with this girl and her pink?
She rushed at me, quickly swinging her sword overhead. I blocked it, pushing her off of me. We quickly connected our swords again in an attempt to injure the other.
Our swords clashed, sending sparks flying through the air. The sounds reverberated through the tunnel, but we were too far back for anyone else to hear.
She's not as skilled as Cyrus. I can do this.
I was able to copy Cyrus' sword style, however it is a much more rough and weaker since I haven't focused on honing and sharpening it. But since she isn't as skilled as Cyrus was, it should be good enough.
She lunged forwards, her katana approaching my chest. I tilted my body, letting the katana pass. I swung down on her, but she quickly rolled out of the way.
Standing back up, she pulled something from her back. It was a second freaking katana, which was also glowing pink!
She held both of them, before suddenly dashing at me. Swinging her sword down, I easily deflected it. Her second sword came in from the side right after, making it harder it deflect.
She swung her first sword once more, and I had to resort to a dodge in order to not get hit. She's much more skilled with both swords than only one.
Is she ambidextrous like Amber?!
She didn't give me a chance to take a break, immediately swinging her swords at me once more. I dodged them, but one of them scraped against my cheek.
A small cut was left on my cheek, slowly dripping blood.
This isn't working. I need to disarm her.
I quickly rushed at her before she could approach me. Swinging my sword, she blocked it with one of hers, just as I expected.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?!
FantasyThe Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! 50 years ago, rifts started to open around the world. Portals to other dimensions. And with their appearance, so did the fantastical monsters that lived within them, led by the ruthless Demon King...