89 - Torturous Night

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(Yui POV)

I sighed as I slept in my sleeping bag next to Bianca. Today I lost the game of Rock Paper Scissors again, and tonight Erica got to sleep next to Ken.

It's so unfair!

She's already next to him all day since they both go into that tower to be trained! I don't get to see Ken at all until the day's over!

It's been like this the past few days! I've been stuck training my Arcana by healing the others when they're done with training!

I thought we could have some fun! And I even brought my swimsuit to show off my curves, but he won't even be able to see it...

I glanced over and saw Bianca soundly sleeping. How she can fall asleep so fast is a mystery.

"I need a breath of fresh air..." I muttered.

I slipped out of my sleeping bag, before quietly leaving the tent. Don't want to wake up sleeping beauty...

I took a deep breath of the cool air, letting it flow through my lungs. The night can be so nice and calm...

I felt as my pink fairy wings released themselves from my back. It felt good to let them out again, almost like stretching.

They hurt so much to look at though, and not in the good way. It only reminded me of her...

I flapped my wings, letting me fly into the air. I rushed through the sky, letting the cool air tickle my skin, brushing past with it's soft touches.

I love the feeling of flying. It's calming.

I wonder if I could share this experience with Ken one day. I'd fly him around at high speeds, he'd get angry and chop me on the head...

Ehehe, good times~....

I floated in the air, looking down at the island under me. The dark waves clashed against the sandy beach with the night sky hanging overhead.

Only a small source of light wavered through the forest, approaching the tower and where we had set up camp.

...wait a minute.

I quickly angled myself downwards, flying back to the island. Who was that? The only person who should be out right now wouldn't have a light!

I quietly landed back down in-between the edge of the forest and the tents. A couple people appeared from the edge of the forest, one holding a lamp.

"Looks like we've found them." The one holding the lamp said.

"Uh, Boss? One of them is up." Another one stated.

"Damn it. This was supposed to be scouting, possibly assassination." He muttered. "What are you doing up so late in the night, girlie?"

"Who are you?" I hissed in annoyance.

"Just a follower." He stated.

Great, another Child Of Lupercio.

Look, there's only enough room in this world for one true cult. And it's not yours.

He unsheathed a sword from his belt, pointing it towards me. "This will be easy. If I remember right, you're the healer."

"Get her." He nodded to one of his minions. "And don't be scared girlie. This will be quick."

I rolled my eyes.

The guy stepped forward, unsheathing his own sword, before rushing at me with the intent to impale me through the heart.

However I just smirked. He looked at me with a confused look. How unfortunate this would be the last thing he saw.

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