12 - The Secret Of The Spirit

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I followed the shadow wolf through the white void. As I examined the nonexistent surroundings, I still only saw a white void. Where am I? What is this place?

There's never been a scene like this in the anime, which leaves me at a complete loss at where and what this place could be.

The shadow wolf continued to trot through the void, uncaring towards my confusion. Despite this, I continued to further follow the wolf. I had nothing else to do.

It felt like hours had passed as I continued to follow the wolf. It was quite boring, and the whole time I only saw white, white, and more white.

But something started to appear in the distance. As we neared closer, I realized that a golden castle stood inside the void, all alone. And it seemed that the wolf was heading straight there.

Why couldn't have I woken up closer to here?

The wolf hopped up the steps, stopping in front of the door. It looked at me, giving me a nod before it faded away. As it disappeared, the doors to the castle opened.

I guess I go in.

I walked up the steps, arriving in front of the open doors. I took a deep breath, before entering. I was in a huge hall, with at the end sat a man on a large golden throne.

I walked across the hall, heading towards the man sat upon the throne. He had raven hair with emerald eyes. A grin was plastered on his face as he leaned his head on his hand, staring straight at me. He wore thin black armor with a ripped green cape, and a black horn headband on his forehead.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I demanded.

"Aw, you don't remember me? It's your best pal and buddy." He grinned. "I told you to hold the wolf's fangs until we could speak again."

"It's you." I realized in surprise.

"That's right!" He happily exclaimed. "It's so good to finally contact you!"

"Who are you?" I repeated.

"Come on, you have to know already." He snarkily replied.

I know. All the clues lead to it.

"Loki." I determined.

Hold the wolf's fangs. The fact that Fenrir is the son of Loki. The fact that Loki is a Trickster God. The fact that this person is a man and not a wolf.

"Nice to meet ya." He smiled. "Your lucky we're similar. I was able to disguise as my son Fenrir to keep you in the shadows. It was right up my alley as a Trickster God."

"So my Arcana isn't Fenrir? It's you?" I realized.

"That's right. But since you wanted to hide, I had to pretend to be Fenrir, which didn't let you tap into your full potential. That's why you had to hold the wolf's fangs for the time being." Loki explained.

"My full potential?" I wondered.

"Go on, check your Adventurer Card." Loki grinned.

I quickly fished my Adventurer Card out of my pockets. It seems that it travelled with me to...wherever this is.

Loki. S Rank.

Tier 1 - Fire Element

Tier 2 - Trickster God's Spirit

No way...

"This can't be real..." I gasped.

"Oh, it is. Trust me." Loki grinned.

I have an S Rank Arcana. Unbelievable...

Not to mention my Tier 2 ability...

At first it doesn't sound like much, but it's name is incredibly similar to another ability from the anime. If they're the same, it's incredibly OP.

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