Retrosepective and apology note

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Ok hello. I know it's been literally years since this book ended. But I'm now 18 and much better at writing and way more mature.

I started this book in late 2015 and finished this book in 2016

I wrote this at 12-13 and after re reading it as an adult, I'm now realising how badly written some scenes are. I'm a very hopeless romantic extremely against anything remotely toxic in a relationship. And even thought I didn't intent at all for some scenes in this book to come off this way, I'm now realising they have.

I feel gross for spreading the narrative that kind of behaviour is ok. I know this book is a spec in the abyss of fanfic, but I also know the readers of this book are young and I absolutely don't want to spread anything that can potentially harm them.

For reference I'm referring to (y/n) blowing up at Hiccup over small things a few times and treating him kinda badly. I'm also referring to the fact these characters in the beginning of the story are underage and made some rather inappropriate jokes. I was en edgy kid that thought haha sex joke funny, but these are underage characters. I definitely shouldn't have written that. Sexualising minors is never ok, and even though those jokes were small I don't think it's appropriate and I wanna slap 13 year old me for that.

After the end of the story the characters are legal, and the ending lemon will stay since they're adults in that scene.

I apologise for my dumb bitch actions when writing this book. I clearly didn't think it was bad at the time since I was a kid. I know that some people will probably go "dude you were a kid, it's fine" but I still feel gross for accidentally spreading toxic relationship traits and inappropriate jokes to a young audience.

I'll be removing those chapters. They don't really affect the overarching story luckily, so you can still understand the plot without them.

I'm completely holding myself accountable for that, even though it may seem like a minor unintentional offence I still think it's bad.

I still love Hiccup to this day, he's a character that's been with me since childhood and he'll always mean something to me. Especially since he's ADHD coded and for all my life so far I went undiagnosed with ADHD and it really fucked me up. I always related to him on that part. So I feel bad for writing this kind of stuff involving him.

That's all, I just wanted to say that and warn about the removal of those chapters. To new readers, you may notice there's some numbers of chapters missing, that's just because they're the ones I removed because of the reasons stated above. Their removal won't affect the story because luckily they were just filler chapters.

moral of the story. I was a dumb kid and now as an adult I feel bad. Treat your partners with the upmost respect, don't take shit from your partner. And if you're underage, ok sure make a few dirty jokes among your friends, but nowhere else ok?

Ok, that's all bye.


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