Chapter 116 | put me at ease

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Reader POV

I've been sitting out here for at least 3 hours now, I should really head back. I jump up and spread my wings, taking flight and soon landing on Berk. When I arrive home, I climb in though the window and grab some clean clothes and go to take a shower, when I come out, I braid my hair into two braids, sitting either side on my head and in my shoulders. No ones home, so I go to sit in the cover for a while.

I just want to know one thing, why did I get wings? Me of all people? Why me?

I walk around in circles and look down at my frilly socks, wondering about all these questions, but I just can't focus. I have three things on my mind at the moment. Why me? Am I cursed? And... Hiccup.

I understand why he's angry with me, I've disobeyed him several times when he's trying to keep me safe, I could have potentially and intentionally killed someone and all he wanted was for me to be safe, that didn't really work out did it?

I sigh and sit down, staring out at the sunset.

Stupid wings.

None of this would have happened if I didn't have wings...

I mean, I love the-


Do I love them?

I got so lost in thought, I didn't even realise it had gotten dark, I ran home and heard that Hiccups parents were already asleep. I walk upstairs and peak inside Hiccups room, he's obviously angry, he's just sitting on the end of his bed, staring out the window.

I decide I need to give him some space, I don't want to make this 'fight' worse.

I close the door and sit on the sofa, I'll just sleep here tonight... I pull off my socks and go over to say goodnight to the dragons, I lie on the sofa, staring into the very amusing wood in the rafters.

I'm not perfect, I know that, but I'm doing the best I can.

As of now, I don't really feel like talking to anyone right now. I turn to face the empty fireplace and start to fall asleep, deciding tomorrow I'll space my from everyone, and leave a note for Hiccup Incase he needs me.

I guess I'll check out the old sanctuary, haven't been there in AGES.

It's probably deserted now, all the dragons moved to Berk after we did. I bet all our old stuff is there too. We didn't pack everything.

I wonder if our beach is still in tact?

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now