Reader POV
"Hiccup, it's ok! Tell me what's wrong" I said wrapping my arms around the crying Hiccup.
"I-I love you!"
"I love you too, it's ok, calm down"
He had buried his face in my chest and was shivering madly, crying his eyes out, hugging me so tight I may as well pop out of my skin.
"Shhh, shhhh, shhh, it's ok it's ok"
My words don't seem to be doing anything, but I have an idea.
"Kiss me on the mouth and set me free
Sing me like a choir
I can be the subject of your dreams
Your sickening desire"I could feel his breathing steady as he cried into my chest, trying to calm down.
"Don't you wanna see a man up close
A phoenix in the fire
So kiss me on the mouth and set me free
But please, don't bite
You can coax the cold right out of me
Drape me in your warmth
The rapture in the dark puts me at ease"He finally steadied his breathing and stopped squeezing me so that I could breathe again.
"The blind eye of the storm
Let's go for a walk down Easy Street
Where you can be reborn
And kiss me on the mouth and set me free
But please, don't bite..."He looked up at me, red, puffy, teary eyes and tears streaming down his freckled face, a slight smile on his lips.
I smiled back at him with a loving look.
He leaned up and kissed my cheek, I returned the favour by kissing his forehead.
"Now tell me what happened ok?"
He nodded and took a deep breath.
"As soon and I walked out there, I got asked: why you?"
My smile faded a bit at those words.
"So I walked right up to the girl and..."
~Flash back~
"You all listen here, I picked her because she's broken, and I want to fix her, I fell in love with that little dragon girl because of her kindness, even when she had to leave her life behind, she's cute, nice, and humble, she's not up herself, she's not mean, she's not a bitch, and she didn't slap that girl-"
~Flash back end~
"...I picked her because I love her for who she is and I love every bit of her so stop bullying her..."
I smiled at his words and started to feel my eyes tear up.
"At that point I was already crying, so I ran back here, I just had to be with you" he explained.
I hugged him tighter than I had.
"Thanks for sticking up for me, I love you so much"
He hugged me back and said:
"Remember, if it all goes to shit, you'll always have me, forever. I love you (y/n)"
His words made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. That's one of the May reasons I love him.
I gently pushed his head down to lay on my chest and started to gently play with his hair, my arms protectively around him.
We spent many hours just cuddling and comforting each other.
"Never change"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...