Chapter 23 | confessions, finally!

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Reader POV

"Queen of dragons!"


"Night fury!"


Hiccup and I were having a completely stupid name calling competition.

"Dragon wings!"

"Scrawny noodle!"

"FYI I'm actually strong as well as a fishbone" Hiccup joked.

"I know you are you carry me around whenever I hurt myself" I said.

We laughed.

"I think I won that one" I said.

"No way!

"Yes way!"

"Fine, I'll get you back!" Hiccup said.

I perched my self of a snow covered rock, sitting in a dragon like position.

I pulled up my hood and shivered from the snow.

Hiccup wrapped his arms around me.

"You cold?" He asked.

I nodded.

He picked me up and carried me to a cave that overlooked the the beach.



It was the break of dawn and the sun wasn't even up yet, why he asked me to come out at this time I don't know but at least it's pretty.

"Uhhh... (Y/n)?" Hiccup began.

I looked at him and tilted my head to show I was listening.

"So its been like 4 months since you picked me up and carried me to the cove, and since we ran away and... Over that time as you know we've grown close and I guess what I'm trying to say is..." 

I couldn't take the smile off my face.


"... I love you"

I hugged him so tightly he may as well explode.

"You have know idea how long I've waited for that" I said.

"So I'm taking that as an I love you too" he said.

"ding ding ding we have a winner!" I laughed.

"Hiccup, dude you literally have no idea how long I've been crushing on you" I said.

"How long?"

"6 years, when I first saw you as an animated character, I loved you and then I met you and kinda lost my shit" I laughed.

"Wow, that's dedication" he laughed.

"It's love" I said.

He smiled is adorable smile at me.

"You also have know idea how long I've wanted to do this" I said grabbing his collar and kissing him full on the lips.

I felt his shock but he soon became used to it and kissed back.

I didn't break it off until I needed air.

"Six years worth of kissing all in one?" Hiccup asked.

"I tried" I laughed.

Hiccup pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tightly.

"Thanks for not rejecting me, you're my first girlfriend you know" he said.

"I know, you're my first boyfriend" I said hugging him back.

"Well I guess love at first sight exists because I didn't have to walk by twice" Hiccup jokes.

Ok that was a good one, I laughed at that.

"Do you try to be cute?" Hiccup asked.

"No, do you try to be adorable?"


We laughed again.

"Now time for payback"

Hiccup pinned me to the ground and tickled me near the wings.

I laughed.

"Only if you declare me winner!" Hiccup laughed.


He stopped.

"Why my full name?" He asked.

"Because I like it" I said "also those carvings in my wall-"

"Yep that was me!" Hiccup said.

"You crazy viking" I said standing up.

"You crazy dragon" he teased.

"HALF DRAGON!" I corrected.

Hiccup just laughed at my childish behaviour.

"Ha de ha ha screw you" I giggled.

"Come here!" He said pulling my arm and smashing his lips onto mine.

I smiled.

I love that idiot.

"ok Hiccup now can we get some more sleep? I'm half dead over here" I said yawning.

"Ok" he said, picking me up bridal style.

"You don't-"

"Doing it anyway" he cut me off.

I snuggled into his chest, funny, now that we're together we can act like a couple and it'll make sense.

Hiccup carried me into my room and put me back down in bed.

I pulled him into a hug.

"I love you Hiccup"

"I love you too (y/n)"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now