Reader POV
"Dad! What are you doing here?" I said.
"I just came too tell you I'll be away for a couple of days" he said.
"Ok"Well thats the first time my dads talked to me in a month.
"Is that?"he said.
I looked at my necklace. Oh no.
"She left it for me when she died..." I said in a small voice."And you kept it a secret"
"I... well... um"
My dad looked at me with such disgust
"You don't deserve it" he said ripping it off my neck and breaking the chain in two."NO DAD PLEASE!"
He walked down the hall and straight to the fire place.
I felt tears fall down my face.
"ITS ALL I HAVE PLEASE NO!"He dropped it in the fire and it started to burn.
"NO!" I yelled waking up and pushing the person away.
I had been crying in my sleep again.
I saw Hiccup on the floor.I covered my mouth,
"I'm sorry" I sobbed.
He got up and walked over.
"Its ok, same nightmare?"I shook my head
"Flashback" I said.
"You wanna talk about it?" Hiccup asked.
I looked at the worried expression on his face."I guess you guys should know why I'm here"
Hiccups POV
Looking at her upset is shattering enough but looking into her eyes and seeing shes broken is just horrible.
Just seeing something I love broken and not healing is shattering me from the inside.
But I'm glad she's telling us we can help her.
Time skip
Reader POV
It was the break of dawn and everyone was awake and waiting for me to explain.
Hiccup had his arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"When I was 3 months old, my mum and aunt took me to a playgroup but on the way back a car pulled out in front of us and caused us to crash, the impact was so strong it severely injured my aunt and..." I started to cry again.
"Killed my mum, I was lucky to escape, my father was devised and swore that she died because I distracted her when I didn't, he never talked to me, my aunt took care of me until I was three when she died, I was left alone and homeschooled until I was 12,my dad never bought me anything and never talked to me except when he was yelling at me for telling me he was going out
He never did anything drastic to me and I never hurt myself, I had the fandom behind me, but that could only do so much, I saved up for my Toothless plushie witch is what I talk to in hard times, but it all drew the line the day I found Hiccup, the day I left my own world,
When my mum died she left a necklace that was special to her for me, I had to hide it from my dad or it would set him off, and it did. He came to tell me he was going away for a while, when he spotted the necklace, he said I didn't deserve it and ripped it off my neck and walked down ti the fire place, I tried to stop him but he..." I cried some more.
"He threw it in the fire... It burnt... It was the only thing I had to remember her... And its gone... So I snuck out and came here" I finished explaining before bursting into tears.
I was suddenly engulfed in a group hug.
"Don't worry (y/n) we love you" Hiccup said.
"You're always welcome here" Valka said.
Toothless growled in agreement as did (d/n).
"Thank you guys so much"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...