Chapter 33 | date night...well...Day

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Reader POV.

"Rug up I have plans for tomorrow"
Was what Hiccup told me last night, he had managed to get a day off building so he can stay with me, lately my dreams have been getting worse.
Hiccup is the only one that can calm them.

So while Hiccup packed up some food I put on my warmest clothes.
Yes the baby dragons did use my hood as a bed, but I didn't care.

I had a long sleeved shirt with a jumper and gloves, a hood, long fuzzy pants, long socks and fuzzy boots.

My wings were tucked in to stay warm and my tail was wrapped around me like a belt.

I waited by Toothless who was our ride for the day.

"Ready milady?"


Hiccup pulled me onto Toothless and we took off into the skies.

I put my head on his shoulder and watched the world go by.

It was nice to leave stress behind.

"Where are we going?"

"Dunno, lets just find a nice island and hang there" He said.

"Ok" I agreed.

We flew for a while but soon came to land on a very blue, icy island.

Hiccup pulled me through the frozen Forrest and set up a picnic by a frozen lake.

We chatted about life as we ate, I noticed how bright and shy Hiccups smile was today, which really made me smile.

"I haven't seen you smile like that since I agreed to go out with you" I said.

"Well, you've been hurt and stressed and seeing you smile is really making my day" Hiccup said.

I nudged him with my elbow.

"Oh you"

His smile brightened.

I was gonna say something when I was cut off by Hiccup.

"Shut up and kiss me you beautiful dork"

I was pulled in and had his lips smashed onto mine.

Usually, our kisses are just small pecks, but this one was full of love, I guess he really likes seeing me happy.

I pulled away due to lack of air and hugged him tightly.

"You're warm" I said.

"You're cold"

"I'll just steal all your warmth"

He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me, I was leaning on one arm against his chest and my legs were leaning over his other arm.

He brushed away the hair from my face.

"I love you" he said putting his forehead on mine.

"I love you too" I said kissing his nose.

"You're the best thing that happened to me" he said.

"You're the light to my shadow" I said.

"You're the (d/n) to my Toothless"

"You're the brightness in my life"

"You're the happiness in my life" he replied.

"You're everything to me" I said.

"YOU'RE everything to ME" he replied.

There was a pause while we enjoyed each others presence.

"Baeee" I pouted.


"My backs sore" I said.

"It'll be better in a few days" he said "but maybe I'll hurry up is I talk some sense into the part of your brain that's healing it so slowly"

I giggled at that.

He lightly knocked my head.

"Hey (y/n)s brain! We'd appreciate it if you'd hurry up the healing, I wanna be able to hug her tightly again" he joked.

I laughed at his silliness.

"You goof" I giggled.

He pressed my cheek up against his hand.

"At least I'm your goof"

"Thats so cheesy" I said

"I am so cheesy"

"You're a goof!"

"(Y/n) thanks for coming to this world when you did, I probably would still be hiding Toothless if it weren't for you, and I'd still be a lonely, single boy" he said.

"You're welcome, you not so lonely, taken boy"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now