Chapter 10 | Demons

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Reader POV.

I woke up in an uncomfortable position and with something on me.
I sat up to see I had fallen asleep on the sofa. I looked down to see Hiccup sleeping on my lap.

I almost screamed. ALMOST SCREAMED.

I carefully snuck away trying not to wake him and went downstairs where Valka was making breakfast and Toothless and (d/n) were asleep by the fire next to each other with their tails twisted together.

"Where did you hear that song?" Valka asked.

What son-ohhhhhh.

"The second movie, its so sweet and has been stuck in my head ever since" I explained.

"It really is quite an amazing song" Valka said "I saw you and Hiccup when you were singing it."

"That ending though, I thought he was asleep"

"Me too, but apparently not, he likes you"

"What no!"

"Like I Haven't seen the signs!"

"Even if he did I still wouldn't have the guts to tell him"

"Tell who what?"


Hiccup laughed.

"Every morning!" I repeated.

"So care to explain?"

Valka looked at me as if to say 'just tell him'

"We were just talking about for the dancing and the dreaming"

"Lemme guess you learnt it from a movie" Hiccup said.

"Yeah" I laughed.

Suddenly a dragon burst though the door.

We ran over and saw wounds.

"Trappers" Valka said running out and jumping on cloudjumper.

I sprinted to my room and got a sword and my cloak before jumping on (d/n) and following Hiccup.

There were 2 boats, not alot but these trappers were powerful.
As usual Valka went after the trapped dragons and me and Hiccup defended.

It was all going well, we had taken out the first ship which left one ship with only 3 people, two guards and a leader.

Then disaster struck.


I turned to see Hiccup and Toothless falling onto the ship and being tied up.


Valka was about to swoop in when something in me snapped.

My eyes turned to slits.
My fangs cane out.
My nails turned to claws.
Without thinking I dove off (d/n).

I landed on the ship with a thud and drew my sword.
Taking out the guards was easy.

"Has the girl come to save her boyfriend?"

"He's not-"

"You don't scare me little girl"

"(Y/n) stay back" Hiccup yelled as a rope was tightened around his neck.

I went savage.

"Let him go"

"Why should I?"

I pulled off my cloak revealing my wings and dragon characteristics.

"Half night fury eh? Never seen one of those before, it would be a good addition to my collection"

"Try me"

Three seconds later the leader and I were in a full on sword fight.
Dodging and flying out of the way could only do so much, my demons took over.

I held my sword up.

"See you in hell"

I stabbed him in the gut and slowly pulled out my sword letting his body drop to the ground in his own blood.

Hiccup and Valka stared at me in utter shock.

I killed someone.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now