Chapter 64 | the search is on

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Reader POV

Poke. Poke. Poke.

"Hiccup... Stop" I moan in a tired voice.

"Don't you wanna find your mum?" He said.

I instantly jump up remembering today's the day I find my mum.

I race downstairs with Hiccup following close behind.

I jump on (d/n) and turn to look at Hiccup.

"No time to change outta PJs lets go!" I said.

"Ok!" Hiccup said jumping on Toothless and taking off after me.

"Where to?" He asks.

"Ummm... Anywhere, we're bound to find- wait. MOONBEAM!" I said.

"Yeah?" She said appearing.

"Track down the area my mum would be in. Please?"

"Sure" Moonbeam closed her eyes and her blue scales glowed.

"Just off the coast of itchy armpit, theres an island-pft haha"

I start giggling too.

"Laugh it up, Toothless named it" Hiccup said.

After our little laugh-fest, we raced toward itchy armpit.

"This will be easier than I thought" I said.

I heard a click behind me and felt Hiccup drop onto (d/n) where he wrapped his arms around me.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm happy for you, you finally get to meet your mum!" He said.

"You'll have to meet her too" I said.

There was a pause.

"What is she doesn't like me?" Hiccup said.

"HA! Please! Anyone would love you, you're amazing, it'll be fine, don't sweat it"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, Hiccup. 1000% positive" I said.

I smiled reassuringly at him and grabbed his hand, holding it tight.

"Love you" he said resting his head on my shoulder.

"Love you too" I said.

"Guys!" Moonbeam exclaimed.

I jumped and saw an island up ahead.

"THATS IT!" I said speeding ahead and jumping off (d/n) before she even hit the ground.

I started running around the island.


Hiccup jumped down and ran beside me, the dragons following us.

"MRS. (L/N)?" Hiccup yelled.

"MUM, MUMMY!" I yelled.

"This way!" Moonbeam said.

We sprinted though the forrest and came out on a beach with an old abandoned dock.

At the end of the jetty, was my mother, the one that had been dead for 16 years. She didn't look a day over 24 the age she died. 

She sat at the end and started out at the sea.

"M-mum?" I said.

She turned.

"(Y/N)!" She yelled, getting up and running over to me. 

I dove into her arms, felling my eyes tear up.

"I missed you so much!" I sobbed.

"I missed you too, you're all grown up! You can drive soon!" She said.

She pulled away and took at good long look at me.

"You grew into such a wonderful, beautiful, and talented young lady, I'm proud of you"

"Thanks?" I said.

She looked over at Hiccup.

"And who's this?"

"Mum, this is Hiccup, my boyfriend, we've been together for almost 7 months" I said blushing.

Hiccup shook hands with my mum.

"Its nice to finally meet you, you're daughter is amazing, a complete angel" he said.

"Hiccup..." I said nudging him and blushing madly.

"Its a pleasure to meet you too, you picked a fine young man (y/n)" mum said.


Hiccup blushed as I did and mum just laughed.

"Now, explain" she said.

"Oh well, when you *ahem* died... Dad started to ignore me, and your sister looked after me until she.... Died... Then I taught myself, he never talked ti me, only when he yelled or told me he was going away for a while. And the necklace you left for me he... Burnt it, so I came here...." I said.

"He didn't physically hurt you did he?"

"Well... No... But if I stayed he might've" I said.

"Oh sweetie" she said pulling me into a hug "when I see him we're getting a divorce"

"Oh mum you don-"

"No I have to for our own good, I was beginning to suspect something was up before the accident..." She said.

"Well, um, lets go back to the edge, ever flown a dragon?" I said.

"Let's go" she said eager to get going.

"Ok then" I said.

Hiccup jumped on toothless and I helped my mum onto (d/n) behind me.

"Hold on!" Hiccup said.

We took to the skies, it took a while for mum to get used to it but she did.

We soon landed outside our hut and walked in.

"Honey, its fine I'll just sleep on the couch" mum said.

"You've been in a coffin for 16 years, take my bed" I said.


We agreed mum would stay with us until we went back to Berk.

Later this week...

Oh Thor...

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now