Chapter 59 | Exuse me?

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Reader POV

"Hiccup ready to go?" I say picking up the books with moonbeam sitting on my shoulder. Invisible that is.

We're about to go and look for the book of shadows, but we stopped at Berk to see how it was going.

"Hiccup?" I look around and put the book in (d/n)s saddle bag.

"Hiccup? Babe?" I walk though the village thinking he might be at the blacksmiths.

When I approach he's not there.

"Hiiiccuuppp?" I yell popping the 'p'

Where did that boy go?

I reach the plaza where I see a group of girls, I analyse them.

Long hair, short clothes, not much defence... Sharks. Ugh who are those boy candy girls after now.

I hovered in the air and made eye contact with him. Hiccup.

'Help me!' He mouthed at me.

"EXUSE ME!" I yelled.

All the girls tuned towards me.

"What exactly are you doing with MY boyfriend" I said.

They all started talking at once.

I flew into the centre and picked Hiccup up by the arms.

"If you'll excuse me you sharks can go and hit on someone else's boyfriend while Hiccup and I have business to attend to"

I picked him up and flew over to (d/n) and Toothless who were playing with their kids.

"He's only with her because of the wings..." One of the girls said.

"Bitch" I mumbled.

"Thank you so much I don't know how many pick up lines I could handle" Hiccup said.

"Next time that happens I'll just come in and kiss you in front of them" I said.

"Please do, all they want is..."

"I know, but don't worry about them, I want all of you"

We jumped onto our dragons.

"All of you..." I mumbled as we flew off.

It was silent for a while as we read the maps. Starshock and lightstrike flew beside us with ease, I bet in 4 or so months, they'll be as big as their parents.

I'm STILL confused about the tail thing though.

"Earth to (y/n), come in (y/n)" Hiccup said flying upside down above me.

"Oh sorry, just lost on thought"

"You do that a lot, anyway we're here"

We landed and dismounted our dragons. I grabbed the map from the saddle bag and unrolled it looking for the right direction.

"This way" I said pointing south.

"Stay close" Hiccup said wrapping an arm around my waist as we walked.

I blushed at his adorable actions and continued walking.
We followed a trail into a forrest being extremely careful and keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings for any dragons.

Moonbeam tapped my shoulder, I stopped and turned to look at her.

"Down there" she said.

I looked down and saw a blue glow though the thick forrest.

"I'll handle the bush" Hiccup said drawing his sword.

Hiccup lead the way as he cut a path though the thick bush, Toothless was providing is with some light and we were getting closer and closer to most of our answers.

Hiccup ignited his sword and there we saw it, covered in vines and sitting neatly of a pedestal.

The book of shadows.
The key to this mystery.

My path in this world...

I dropped to my knees in front of it and reached out my hand, the closer I got the brighter it glowed.

"Lets do this"

I snatched it from the pedestal Incase I activated any traps.

"Lets get out of here before anything happens" Hiccup said.

We all walked back to the beach area where I had my chance to open the book.

I turned the little dial on the cover and made it click.

I opened the book and it glowed brightly in my face, my vision started to get blurry and my body went cold.


I dropped the book.


I stumbled forward and everything went black. 

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now