Chapter 15 | its a girl thing

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Reader POV

"OW! Hiccup you're pulling my hair!" I said as Hiccup tried to get a knot out of my (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"Sorry! How did you manage to get it THIS knotted anyway?" Hiccup asked.

"Because I didn't put it up last night"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

I sighed.

"Its a girl thing-OW!"


Hiccup let go of the brush and it dangled in my hair.

"Sit down!" Hiccup said.

I sat at the table and played with my hair tie as Hiccup tried to pull the brush through.


"Hold on I've almost got it"

With one last yank the knot finally came loose and was no more.

"Thank Thor"

Hiccup continued to brush my hair to get any extra knots out.
It's actually kind of relaxing.

He put the brush down and continued to mess with my hair.

"What are you doing now?" I laughed.

"You'll see" he said grabbing the hair tie from me.

Within a minute my hair was put into a loose braid.

"Thanks, since when could you do braids?" I asked.

"We'll when you're the outcast of the tribe you get bored and make braided bracelets and stuff" Hiccup explained

"You're full of surprises!"

"Well ready to train-ohhhh the snow..."
Hiccup said.

"It'll be a lazy couple of months" I laughed.

"What do we do then?" Hiccup asked.

"Maybe your mum has something for us to do?" I suggested.

We walked over to the stable and asked for errands we may have to run.

We went back home and sat by the fire.

"Now what?" Hiccup asked.

"Hmm... We could... Paint?" I suggested.

"Yeah we could paint the walls! Go get some warm clothes on and we can decorate the outside if the house" Hiccup said.

Well thats what we did.
I put on a long-sleeved shirt and cloak with a hood and long pants.

We put the paints on the floor and started to paint dragons and swirls.

On my side of the door I decided to paint two Night Furies in a heart shape.
But I couldn't get the shape right.
Every so often I would sigh in frustration until...

I felt Hiccup grab the hand with the paint brush and guide me along with the picture.

I expected a fangirl attack but it didn't come.
It was engulfed with something new.
Something I didn't know.

Hiccup put his arm around my waist and helped me paint the Night Furies wings.

I smiled and I knew he was smiling too.
After finishing the Night Furies I dipped the paint brush in pink and painted a heart around the two Night Furies.

Hiccup was now hugging me from behind and had his head on my shoulder.

"You're good" He said.

"Well when your dad never talks to you you get bored and draw fandom stuff" I said.

The walls were now covered in dragons, swirls and patterns.
There was only one thing left to do, sign it.

I dipped a paint brush in black and Hiccup put his hand on mine as we painted our names on the door frame.

"Wow you two really poured your heart and soul into this!"

We jumped and turned around, separating.

"Thanks mum" Hiccup said.

"Almost forgot!" I said adding red to one of the Night Furies tail fins.

"Toothless?" Hiccup said.

"Toothless and (d/n)" I answered.

"Well clean up and come in for lunch" Valka said.

"Ok" Hiccup and I said at the same time and started to pick up the paints.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now