Chapter 38 | dragon race

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Reader POV

My first dragon race. I'm so excited.
I had finished painting (d/n) and surprised Hiccup by painting him.

He pained me back.

"Good luck" I said kissing him on the nose and rushing to the starting point.

Once the race started we zoomed off, I had a tactic of my own.

Trail behind, and take the black sheep at the end.

And thats what I did.

I let everyone spread the sheep, I had one because it was starting me down and no one was around to get it.

But then it was time for the black sheep.

As all the players raced for it, with a suddenly burst of speed coming from my wings, (d/n) grabbed it and flung it to me.

Now it was a matter of actually getting it in the basket.

I had the gang behind me trying to catch up.

Hiccup grabbed it from above.


I zoomed up ahead and blocked his path. I flew myself into the sky above him and took the sheep from him.

"THANKS BABE!" I yelled at him.

He jut laughed.

I landed back on (d/n) and zoomed to the baskets.

I dropped it down when Hiccup swooped in and grabbed it.


But to my surprise, he put it in my basket.

I smiled brightly at him.

"(Y/n) takes the game!" Stoick yelled.

I flipped in the air.

"Thats my future daughter in law!"

My jaw dropped and I looked at Hiccup who mirrored my expression but his face was redder.

Stoick knows we're 16 right?

I patted (d/n) on the head.

"I'm gonna go hang with Hiccup, you take care of the kids ok"

And with that I flew myself up to Hiccup who was burring his face in his hands with embarrassment.

"Awww" I teased.

Everyone was still cheering about the race in the background.

"That was in front of everyone..." Hiccup said.

I pushed his head up and flew upside down above him.

"Well, at least your dad ships us" I said.

"That was embarrassing" Hiccup said scratching the back of his head.

"Oh shut up you" I said and pulled him into a kiss.

Hiccup just kissed back.

I broke it off and saw his red face.

"Congratulations" he said pulling me down into his lap.


And with that we flew off to the cove.

Why the cove? Its where we first met.

We landed and sat by the water.

"I love it here" I said.

"Me too, its where I first met you and first trained Toothless" Hiccup said.

He laid down with his head in my lap.

I looked down at him as he looked up at me.

I tapped his nose.

"The racing paint suits you" I said.

"You're racing paint suits you too" Hiccup said.

It was quite then Hiccup spoke up.

"My side really hurts from that fight, so does my eye"

I frowned at the memory of Hiccup being hurt.

"You didn't have to talk you know" I said tracing the black mark around his eye.

"I needed to defend you, I know you could do it yourself, but I couldn't live with knowing I hadn't done something" Hiccup said.

"Awww, so caring, I appreciate it"

He smiled at me.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked.

"Where it's bruised" he said sitting up.

He lifted the side of his shirt revealing a massive bruise.


I slowly reached my hand out to touch it when he flinched back.

"It hurts" he said.

"I'm sure we have something for it" I said.

I couldn't stop looking at the bruise, even the very obvious corner of abs peaking out from his shirt couldn't district me.

I hugged him tightly and leaned up against a rock where I sat with him in my arms.

"Don't get into a fight like that again" I said.

"I won't, I don't want to worry you like that again" Hiccup said.

"You better not" I said.

I looked down at the sad looking boy in my arms, seeing him sad made me sad.

I pressed my forehead up against his.

"Stop" I said.


"Stop looking sad it's making me sad" I said.

"I just wish it was just us you know, I mean, Being back on Berks is great but I want time with you, without worries, without the constant feeling of being watched" he said.

"So do I" I said kissing his forehead.

"Why must everything come with a price?" Hiccup said.

"I don't know, how about once we have life under control, we go travelling, just you and me, and the dragons of course" I suggested.

"(Y/n) you're a genius" Hiccup said smiling at me.

"There's the smile I love" I said.

Suddenly I was pulled in and kissed with his soft lips.

I smiled.

"I love you" I said before kissing him again.

"I love you too"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now