Chaprer 46 | nice try

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Reader POV

We had helped Berk all we can and are now heading back to the edge.

The upside to flying on your own is you can practically dance in the air.

I lead the gang back to the edge while (d/n) carried her children who where a little bigger now.

"D O L L H O U S E, I see things that nobody else sees.." I quietly sang while gliding through the air.

I flew upside down above Hiccup.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey" I said.

"Why are you blocking the view?" He joked.

"Babe I AM the view" I laughed.

"I love seeing you happy" he laughed.

"I love seeing YOU happy" I said tapping his nose.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you t-"

"LOOK OUT!" Astrid yelled from behind.

I darted upward but could make it, I was trapped in a net, I looked down to see two speedboats, FROM MY UNIVERSE.

"HICCUP!" I screamed.

Hiccups POV.

I zoomed after her dodging all the nets.

I shot a plasma blast and jumped on deck, drawing my sword.

"Let her go" I said.

"Sorry mate, her fathers orders"

I kicked him down and pointed my sword at his neck, thank Thor the gang is dealing with the others.

"Let. Her. Go"

"Can't" the man said.

The tip of my sword just touched his neck.

"I will do it" I said.


I tuned my head to see (y/n) struggling to stand up and a lot of people in lab coats trying to tie her down.


I ran over and got Toothless to follow.

I won't hesitate to hurt people for the one I love.

I fought most of them to near death, but one stood out, masked, and had these wired glass things over his eyes.

The gang came to back me up.

"A couple of teens? Pathetic" the man said.

"We're not just teens, we're dragon riders, and we're trained to fight" I said launching my sword at him.

"GET (y/n)" Astrid yelled taking over.

I sprinted over and cut the net.

I threw the net off and hugged (y/n) tightly.

"You ok?" I asked.

"I-I" she studded.

"Shh, we're getting out of here" I said.

I picked her up and sprinted to Toothless, jumping on and zooming off, the gang close behind.

"Are you hurt?"

She sobbed and shook her head burring her face in my shirt.

I hugged her tightly.

"It'll be ok" I said kissing her head "just try and calm down"

Reader POV

"Ok" I said in a small voice.

Hiccup hugged me tighter.

"I'll die for you"

"No, I can't see you dead, don't go nuts please"

"Ok, just for you milady"

"I love you"

Hiccup snuggled up to me the whole way back to the edge.

He told me to take my mind off it, but every time I get lost in thought, I end up having fangirl thoughts... And sometimes they're not good...

In two ways...

I walked up to the mirror while Hiccup was downstairs packing our crap up.

I felt, yet another cut on the back of my shoulder, I pulled down my sleeve and saw the massive gash on my shoulder, I don't want to worry Hiccup... Maybe I should keep this quiet.

"You ok?" Hiccup said.

I quickly pulled up my sleeve.

"Just checking for injuries, none" I said.

"I'm going to take a nap, you... Wanna cuddle?" Hiccup asked.

"Give me a minute, I'm gonna take a quick bath..." I said walking out.

I was half telling the truth, I did have to clean the cut, but I was mainly just going to bandage it up.

I locked the bathroom door and sighed, I hate keeping secrets. But its for the better.

I pulled out my hair tie and wet a cloth.

I pulled off my shirt, leaving a tank top underneath.

I stopped the bleeding and wrapped it up, now how do I hide the bandage? It will show a bit... Eh, I'll think of an excuse.

I put on my pjs and quickly rinsed the billions of leaves out of my hair.

I splashed my face and told myself to suck it up.

I walked out and flopped into bed next to Hiccup.

He wrapped his arms around me right where the cut was. Ow.

I held in the pain and hugged him back.

"You always smell like grass" I said changing the subject.

"You always smell like flowers" he said.

"You're not hurt are you?"

"Just bruised, it'll heal in a few days" I lied.

"I hope so" he said.

"Don't worry Hicc" I said "just get some sleep"

"Ok ok, I love you milady"

"I love you too fishbone"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now