The missing teens have been gone for weeks. All of Berk had suspected that the girl with the dragon wings is behind it, so they've decided,
It's time for a change of heart.
They had sent letters out with the traders Incase the dragon girl and Hiccup saw it.
It was saying that Berk is trying to train dragons, and that they want their Vikings back, even if they bring a bunch of dragons with them.
The top warriors and remaining teens were in the academy, trying as hard as they could to train a dragon.
So far they have known that no weapons can be around, and that the extra feeding has been putting the dragons of the gentle side and in their good books.
Stoick on the other hand was just worried for Hiccup and wanted to train the dragons as fast as possible, what was Hiccup doing during dragons training?
Dragon nip,
And petting them.Thats when he instructed everyone to make contact with a dragon and pet them.
That was all that happened until one day, he figured out the special move to earn a dragons trust, the hand to nose touch, and thats how dragons we're trained.
Of course they still had to dragon-ify the town, but hopefully, Hiccup would come back.
(With you)
Reader POV
We burst though the door and ran up to valka.
"Traders- letter- Berk- train-dragons"
"Take a breath (y/n)"
As I caught my breath Hiccup read the letter to his mother.
"Dragon girl, Hiccup.
If you're reading this, we want you all back, we have taken your advice and trained a dragon, yes it took time, but the raids stopped one day, we are assuming that it was your doing, if so thank you. We have seen the gentle side of dragons, how they were just defending themselves and actually a the remaining dragons seem to have been defending us! We don't care is you bring back two whole islands of dragons.
Please, please, come back.
We all miss the little boy running through the village.
We miss our top teen warrior.
And somehow, we miss the twins pranks.And if what you're saying about a gift from Valhalla is true, well, we want to see.
We want to learn about her world and how she has a way with dragons.Please come back.
Hiccup, you ARE wanted.
Hiccup read.
"Round up the gang we're going to see if its true and if it is, it's entirely up to you of you want to go back, as for me, well, now that Hiccup and I have met then I might be able to" valka said.
We nodded and rounded up the gang before taking off under the cover of darkness.
Its not safe for the baby dragons so we left them with Toothless and took (d/n) for a fly.
Hiccup sat behind me as I flew.
"What if they did train dragons? Do we go back? I don't think I'd be welcome there after your disappearance" I said.
"If they did actually have a change of heart, you will be welcome, it might take some time to trust you but they will, as for going back, I don't know" Hiccup said.
"What about us?"
"What will happen if we go back and they find out we're dating?" I said.
"Well, my dad will be happy, and you won't get hit on by every kid in town"
Hiccup said."Hiccup its entirety up to you if you want to go back" I said.
"I know" he sighed.
"GUYS LOOK!" Astrid yelled.
We looked down over Berk,
People were flying them, feeding them, petting them.
"Berk really did change!" I said.
"Woah, this is cooler than old Berk" Tuffnut said.
"Way cooler!" Ruffnut added.
"I never thought I'd see the day!" Valka said.
"Hiccup its up to you, sleep on it ok?" I told him.
He nodded.
"We'll decide tomorrow, lets head back and sleep" I said.
With that we all flew back to the sanctuary.
I lay in my dark room with two baby dragons next to me on the pillow, they had claimed that spot as theirs.
They were still tiny and still adorable.
Hiccup crawled in next to me.
I wrapped an arm around him.
"You'll figure it out, your Hiccup friken Haddock! You'll find a way"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...