Chapter 30| they're after me

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Reader POV

I wake up to a loud sneeze.
I open my eyes to see Hiccup cuddled up to me and burring his face in my chest. And that we were on the sofa alone. Everyone must be out.

"You ok?" I said.

He sniffed and shook his head.

"Aww my poor baby boo" I said.

He laughed but it turned into a coughing fit.

I hugged him tightly, knowing he probably feels like shit right now.

"You have to eat something its good for you" I said.

He shook his head.

"You have to, just a bit, if your throats sore just something soft" I said.

"But if I eat I feel like I'm going to throw it up" he said in a small croaky voice.

"Just a bit" I said.

He shook his head.

"Eat you scrawny fishbone!" I said "it'll make you feel better" I said.

"Fine" he said.

I got up and wrapped him up in a blanket.

I went to the kitchen and started to make some soup.

When I finished I gave it to my sick little Hiccup.

The good news is he could eat it, the bad he's still sick.

Suddenly I heard something outside.
I opened the door and saw a vase with flowers in it. Thats random.

I picked up the vase in one hand and picked out the note in the other.

I opened the small piece of paper.

I know who you are

I jumped and dropped the vase staring at the note and covering my mouth in shock.

As if I didn't have enough on my plate, I'm hurt, Hiccups sick and the whole of Berk is after us.

Now I have a mystery person stalking me.

Hiccup walked over.

"I know ...are?" He read.

I couldn't say anything.

"What is that? Some kind of special ink?"

Thats the thing, the note was TYPED.

They're after me.

"Hiccup we have to do something, this is printer ink, it only exists in MY world, they're after me"


"The police, my 'family', scientists, everyone!"

Hiccup sneezed and said

"We have to do something, I'm not letting you be taken away from me"

"I don't wanna leave you ever" I said.

"You won't be, because I'm never leaving your side, I'm moving into your room, we're running errands together, we're *achoo* always going to hold hands, I'll even lick your nose if I have to!" Hiccup said.

"Lick my nose?" I questioned trying not to laugh.

"I don't know I'm sick so I'm saying weird things, but I will if I have to!"

I giggled at his silliness.

"If it gets extreme, we'll run away again, I'll just do anything to protect you"

"This is why I love you!" I said hugging him.

He kissed my forehead and hugged me back.

"I love you too" he said.

It was silent until he was quietly laughing.


He very quickly licked my nose and ran off through the house.


I ran after him and caught him from behind.

"I could beat the shit out of you" I said.

"I know"

"You idiot" I laughed.

I kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly, wrapping my arms as well as my wings around him.

He coughed and hugged back.

"Its good me moving into your room, now I can wake up to an adorable face everyday" he said.

"Stop" I said.

"As long as I don't get your hair in my mouth like last time!"

I laughed at the funny memory.

"You're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me" I said.

"You're the best thats ever happened to me" Hiccup replied.

Suddenly he tripped and bought me down with him.

He landed with a thud and I landed in top of him so we were in a x shape.

He laughed and helped me up.

"I love you idiot" I said.

"I love you more idiot"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now