Chapter 112 | control

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Hiccups POV

"Him..." I said, distaste dripping from my words. There wouldn't be much time before he found us. Before he tries to take control of (y/n).

"We got the gang defending the perimeter, but we all know that he's going to find some way in, the scandal always does..." Heather said, anger screaming from her tone.

"I'm not letting (y/n) die, I'll fight... Even if it kills me..."

"You know, you could kill him"

I snapped my head to face Heather, did she just-?

"What? You kno-"

"I know, but he's done some horrible things I could never forgive, plus, (y/n) is a gift, a sign from Valhalla, there's no way he can get to her. Plus I'm her friend I care about my friends more. I know that's sounds psychotic, but this entire life experience changed me" Heather explained.

"I-" I looked down at my girlfriend, understanding what Heather meant my life changing her "-understand"

"I'll stand on look out" Heather said turing and walking out.

I sighed and looked down at (y/n).

"I look at you and I see myself" I mumbled running my hand trough her (h/l) hair.

"And I know your better than anyone else, and I have the same faucet in my eyes, so your tears are mine..."

It causes me so much pain to see her like this, just seeing her dad is heartbreaking, I wish I could just absorb all her pain, it's better I suffer than her. She doesn't deserve it. I do, I've been such a lousy boyfriend, all I do is suck up to her. It doesn't show my true love for her, I know if she heard me say that she'd fight back and say I'm the best boyfriend ever but I'm just a suck up.

My rain of thought was broken by clanging outside, there's a fight... He's found us... I gripped onto the girl in my arms tighter and held her close, but nothing prepared me for what happened next.

As I look down at her, her eyes snapped open in a dragon like state.

"(Y/n)!" I exclaimed.

She didn't reply, but I could see the war going on in her head by her expression.

Sadly my fishbone body got the better of me. She struggled out of my arms and started walking out of the cave, despite my countless efforts to stop her and the tears streaming down my face.

When I emerged I saw the sight, the gang, badly wounded, dragon trappers everywhere and the enemy himself standing in the centre of it all, glowing hands pointed at (y/n).

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I screamed.

"Why? She has so much potential! Those wings are priceless! You really think I didn't notice the odd dragon here and there and the suspicious costumes last time I was here?" Dagur said.

"Leave. Her. Alone." I repeated.

"Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup, don't you see? I have magic now! I can control people!"

I looked over at (y/n) who stood in a trance.

"No" I said.



The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now