125 - the final run

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A/n: here it is! The final run of this series I started almost four years ago. This chapter should hopefully tie up the plot holes and just because I was so bad at writing smut back when this book was ongoing. I have added a full, properly written smut. I will add a warning when it gets to that part for those who don't want to read it. Enjoy the real final chapter of this series. It's been fun dragonites, it's been fun.

Reader POV

The warm summer wind blew my hair gently as I glided along the sky, my wings spread and keeping me up. I sigh, it's been a heck of a year, it's no secret my mental health wasn't the best, I think having dragon genetics may have a little to do with it, but I've done some awful stuff this year and it's slowly eaten away at my mind. I mean... I killed people. I've had many fights and I've been sick a lot with strange magic and I've been under a lot of stress.

All of this wouldn't have happened if I never had my wings... I'm not sure if I like them anymore honestly... they're useful, but have caused so many consequences.

They flutter as I gently place my feet on the ground and come to a landing. I walk down to the cliffs and sit on the edge, dangling my feet and tail off it.

I do miss my home a little, the modern technology and the many forms of entertainment, but it's been so long that I've gotten quite used to living as a Viking. I'm used to living among dragons and being part of their world. I love living with dragons, there such magical characters, they're so gentle yet so ferocious. They truly are amazing creatures.

Now that all my enemies have been taken care of, the last battle I have to fight is the one with myself. I can't decide if living half dragon is good or not, I can't seem to claw my way out of the darkness of my head. Don't get me wrong, I have so many good things in my life, but the bad things left scars.

I sigh, when will this all blow over so I can enjoy myself.

I suddenly hear a familiar screech across the sky, echoing over the ocean. I look up to see a familiar night fury with a red tail fin come to a landing on the cliffs near me.

His rider climbs off and unlatches his metal leg from the tail control.

The dragon, who was now free to control himself, bounded over to me and nuzzled me with his nose.

"Hey Toothless" I laughed, scratching behind his ears.

He's like a puppy, I wonder if he was born into the wrong species sometimes.

"I knew you'd be here"

The rider of said night fury sits down beside me, handing his legs off the edge off the cliff.

"Hey Hiccup" I said.

"You've been quiet lately, it's not quite like you. Is something wrong?" He asked.

I look out at the ocean, thinking for a moment before replying. I hear the dragon behind me curl up and sit down in the sun.

"I guess I'm just kind of lost in my head. Now that all my rivals are gone, I can actually focus on myself, I'm not sure if I like it. It's made me realise I'm a bit of a psychotic crybaby... I mean, I've killed people... I've gone off over stupid things, I haven't really been in control of myself this year, we'll technically it's last year... it's just, I feel like being half dragon isn't as fun as I first thought it was... I knew there'd be consequences, but I didn't think it'd affect my psyche as much as it has. I'm rambling again, it probably doesn't even make sense" you explained.

It was silent for a moment, the only sound heard was the distant roars is dragons.

"No, I get it. You used to be a human, but now you've somehow gained a dragons mind, it would definitely have an affect. You can't help it, that's just the way things have turned out" Hiccup replied.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now