Chapter 32 | good morning Hiccup

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Reader POV

Exhausted from the dance last night, I slept until lunch where I woke up above the ground.

"Afternoon milady" Hiccup said.

We were flying over the ocean, (d/n) carried her kids, the others were behind us and I was in Hiccups arms.


"You wouldn't wake up so we just let you sleep, we're close to dragons edge" Hiccup explained.

"Um ok" I said honestly still out of it.

I'm still in last nights clothes too.

We are currently on our way to dragons edge to build a back up camp.
Thanks to my knowledge of the edge and how to get there I had made a map some days before.

I snuggled up to Hiccup.

"What'd I miss?" I asked.

"Nothing really, we're gonna start with the foundations while you set up camp" he explained.

"Ok" I said.

Hiccup bought me up closer to him.

"Are you ok? Its been 4 months and all you've been getting is stress"

"I'm ok, I got you" I said.

Hiccup laughed and kissed my forehead.

"I love you"

"I love you too Hicc"

We landed on the edge and immediately got to work, the snow had cleared a while ago but the water was still frozen over and it was still rainy, I set up the tents, keeping them under trees in case it rained.

The gang were marking out the foundations for the buildings and were soon getting to work while I caught fish for dinner.

I then decided to go to the beach for a walk.
And me being my crazy fangirl self, made the cheesiest move ever.

I walked up to the water that wasn't frozen over and kicked it up.

"Let the wind carry us, to the clouds hurry up, alright"

I stomped along making footprints in the sand.

"We can travel as far as our eyes can see"

I kicked at the sand again.

"We go where no one goes"

I know I wasn't meant to fly but...

"We slow for no one"

I then jumped up and did a backflip, gliding to a landing.

"Get out of our way"

I ran along the beach deliberately making footprints.

"Awake here in the sky"

I twirled around letting my hair, arms, wings and tail twirl around me.

"There's no brake up so high, alright"

I glided through the air just a bit.

"Lets make it our own, lets savour it"

I flew a bit higher.

"We go where no one goes"

I could feel the pain from my back spread to my wings but I continued.

"We slow for know one, get out of our waaaaahhhhh!"

I became weak and fell into Hiccups arms.

"You shouldn't be flying (l/n)" Hiccup said.

"But its boring Haddock" I said.

"I know, how about we do something?"

"Don't you have to be building?"

"I'll say I was treating your back"

"Ok Haddock but when you get in trouble don't blame me" I joked.

"I won't" Hiccup said.

Suddenly Hiccup took my hands and pulled me along the beach.

"Where are we going?"

I didn't even get an answer, I was lifted into the frozen ocean instead.

"Theres an up side to winter" the said pulling me across the ice.

I slid around and got the drift that we were going skating.

I let Hiccup pull me around while I thought about how good life here was.

Apart from the added pressure of being half dragon and leaving my old world, it was perfect.

I could fly anywhere I wanted, do anything I wanted, I have friends that were like family, I have a boyfriend, a dragon, baby night furies are in my life, what more could you want.

"You ok?"

"Just enjoying life"

I felt like I'd just jinxed myself but I pushed the feeling away.

Hiccup pulled me along the ice in a circle.

"Woah! I'm getting dizzy" I laughed.

Hiccup pulled me off the ice and laughed.

We walked back to the camp and started to cook our dinner.

I was tired today, and cold and ready for a hug.

So when we went to sleep, I was in a pile of pillows in Hiccups arms.

I knew it, I'd jinxed myself.

"You can't take me"

"You're my daughter, I most certainly can"

"Just so you can ignore me again"

"You're the reason she died, if it wasn't for you, she'd still be alive"

I felt tears run down my cheeks.

"I'm not going back! I have friends that treat me like family! I have someone who loves me for me! And you lay one finger on me and he'll come blasting though on his dragon and blow you to ash"

"Like anyone would love you"

"He does, my BOYFRIEND does"

As if on cue Hiccup showed up and drew his sword, standing in front of me to protect me.

"Touch her and you'll get it"

"I'm her father I have the right to take her home!"


Suddenly Hiccup was knocked to the ground with one, strong hard shove and he hit his head.

My father grabbed me and started dragging me away.



Waking up and sending a pillow flying across the tent I instantly saw Hiccup next to me with a worried expression.

He hugged me tightly.

"Don't ever leave me" I said.

"I won't ever leave you" Hiccup said.

"I love you milady"

"I love you fishbone"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now