Reader POV
"Alright, you can't always rely on your dragon, so we're gonna do some trust exercises with each-others dragons" Hiccup explained.
The snow had stopped for a few days and this was our only time to train.
"Example, (y/n) can you jump off your dragon for a sec and just fly in place"
I nodded.
I jumped off (d/n) and flew next to her.
Hiccup then jumped off Toothless.
"WOAH HICCUP!" I yelled.
(D/n) flew down and caught him.
"Ohhhhh!" I said "so if Toothless is down-"
"(D/n), Stormfly or Cloudjumper will catch me" Hiccup finished.
"Is this safe?" Astrid asked.
"Please we've been double it for ages" Hiccup replied "(Y/n) your up"
"But I could just fly, I have wings you know" I said.
"What if they're broken?"
I opened my mouth to reply but couldn't think of anything.
"You suck" I playfully said.
I tucked in my wings and fell, Toothless was the one that caught me.
After all the training there was one dragon left to catch me.
I still wasn't sure if I could trust them. Like they're really nice and all but I did 'steal' the chiefs son.
Well I guess its time I found out.
I dived off of (d/n) and awaited my fate, to my surprise, the Deadly Nadder actually caught me. I guess I can trust them after all.
"Thanks girl" I said to Stormfly.
She growled in response.
"I can understand dragon you know"
"You can?!"
I laughed and we flew back home with the 'gang'.
"I gotta fix my axe I'll catch up with you guys later" Astrid said walking off.
We yelled "ok" in response.
"So what shall we do milady" Hiccup said.
OHMITHOR. He called me milady.
I felt my face go red so I pulled up my scarf trying to hide it.
"Dunno" was all I said.
Hiccup pulled down my scarf.
"Stop hiding!" He said.
That made my face turn redder.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you don't have to!" He said.
"You're beautiful..." He then mumbled.
I gently elbowed him.
"Stop it" I said.
"Never" he said pouncing on me and tackling me to the ground where he started to tickle me.
"Only if you say I'm the hottest Viking you've met" he said.
Well thats not a lie.
"HAHA FINE! Your the PFFTTHAHAHAHHA hottest Viking I've HAHA MET!" I said.
He just laughed and helped me up.
"I could beat the shit out of you" I said hugging him, he's just so huggable.
"I know, but you won't you crazy dragon" he said.
"Half dragon!" I corrected.
We laughed and inside where our dragons were curled up by the fire.
"What do we do?" Hiccup asked.
I shrugged.
We sat down next to each-other.
Well... Hiccup used me as a pillow again.
I swear, we act like a couple, but we aren't one...
((A/n: short chapter today because my internet sucks, the next will be longer))

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...