((A/n: I ship Hiccstrid so much so Astrid will not be the mean person she normally is in fanfics))
No ones POV
"Stormfly come on girl!" Astrid yelled as she flew along the water.
She was the only one to take advice from the letter and train a dragon. She wasn't going to tell anyone, not yet anyway.
She flew over the orange trees of a far away island (itchy armpit) and landed on the cliff edge.
"Look for clues Stormfly..." She said as she started to look at the surroundings slowly being covered in snow.
"Tracks... Night Furies..."
She searched around the area for anything else and found lines in the dirt like a stick had been dragged along.
She followed it until she found a drawing in the sand, of a girl, with dragon wings...
Hiccups POV.
"Come on bud" I said as I flew across the freezing sea coming back from the traders.
"Itchy Armpits up ahead we can take the short cut from there" I said as we approached the island filled with trees.
'I hope (y/n) likes it' I thought as I looked at the small bag in my hands.
Toothless growled as we approached Itchy Armpit.
"Woah bud, whats-"
I looked down and saw a blonde girl with a deadly Nadder by my drawing left in the sand.
"Astrid? Come on bud we have to warn the others" I said speeding above creating that famous Night Fury screech.
I looked back to see a distant figure following me.
"Back way it is"
I zoomed around the back of the ice and into the sanctuary knowing full well that, that persistent girl would still follow me.
I called a Night fury call and in a matter of seconds I was in front of mum and (y/n).
"Astrid's found me we have to hide" I said.
I saw (y/n) get a little tense but agreed to the plan and we all put on our masks and cloaks hiding in the shadows.
Sure enough Astrid found her way in and started looking around.
Even though her mask I could see (y/n)s worried expression.
"I have to tell the chief" we heard Astrid say.
I shot a worried glance at (y/n).
Suddenly she took off and grabbed Astrid by the shoulders."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Astrid yelled.
"You're not telling anyone, Astrid" (y/n) said.
"How do you know my name?"
"Lets just say I'm a gift from Valhalla"
She wasn't lying there.
She nodded at me and I flew in distracting the Deadly nadder and landing.Hopefully mum stays outside looking for any more vikings that may have tagged along.
(Y/n) dropped Astrid by the stables and I landed next to her.
"Why have you come?" I asked.
"I'm looking for the chiefs son, Hiccup Haddock the third" Astrid said.
"What makes you think he's here" (y/n) accused.
"He rides a Night Fury and you're both riding one" Astrid said.
I looked at (y/n) and nodded.
She pulled back her cloak and mask revealing her dragon characteristics.
"He wanted me too, tell her Hiccup" (y/n) said.
I took off my helmet.
"I did" I said.
Astrid had a shocked look on her face.
"Because Berk is not the place for me"
"I know you were bullied but-"
"Thats only the tip of the ice berg"
I grabbed (y/n)s hand and read her worried expression.
She held my hand tightly and bit her lip.
Is she trying to be cute?"I won't tell anyone" Astrid said.
"How do we know you're not lying?"
(Y/n) said in a worried tone.I saw fear in her eyes, I wonder why?
"Because I don't want to go back" Astrid said.
"What?" I said.
"Hiccup you were right! Dragons are incredible! Stormflys saved my life countless times! Dragons really are amazing" Astrid said.
"Well-" I paused, I'm still not sure if this is ligit or not "we could set up a spare hut"
(Y/n) took at step closer to me with fear.
"Wait here" I said to Astrid pulling (y/n) around the corner.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I know Astrid is good and is actually a really cool character but if this is anything like the fanfictions, I'm not sure if we can trust her straight away" she said.
"(Y/n), if anything happens, I'll be right there beside you to protect you from anything that comes our way" I reassured her.
She took a deep breath.
"Ok" she said "plus I've always wanted her axe, maybe she can teach me to make one" she laughed.
I laughed too.
"Don't worry (y/n) I'm always there for you.
'Should I tell her?"
No, not yet.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...