Chapter 12 | its not your fault

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Reader POV

I had fallen asleep in my little cave after all the crying, but found myself somewhere else in the morning.

I remember being picked up by something but thats all.


Hiccups POV

I found her curled up asleep with tears in her eyes and down her cheeks in a small cave off the coast of the sanctuary.

"(Y/n)?" I said slightly shaking her.
I sighed in relief that I'd found her.
I picked her up bridal style and flew her back to our hut.

My mum was happy to see her ok.
But I took her straight to my room.
'She can't sleep in blood stained clothes' I thought.
'Oh Thor that sounds wrong'

I started at the sleeping girl, I can't wake her up after what shes been though.
Guess I'll have to be the brave Viking, Thor, I hope she's wearing something underneath.

I made sure no one was looking and got one of my green shirts and brown pants.
'Wait her wings...'
I cut two holes in the back.
'That should do it'

I pulled her shoes off and left her fuzzy socks on.
I took off her cloak and jacket too see how stained her clothes were, I knew she had leggings under her skirt so I'm safe there but...

After the struggle of getting the rim of the pants over her tail I stood and started aimlessly at the shirt in my hands.
I looked up at her and had an idea.

I pulled her sleeve down.
I got lucky she has a tank top on underneath.
I pulled the shirt over her wings and took her bloody clothes to the laundry to be washed.

That was awkward.

I washed off her hands and cuts in the process.
Then all I did was loose my mind over her.
Thank Thor shes alright, I just hope she knows she couldn't help what she did.

I pushed her fringe out of her face.
I yawned and realised I should go to bed.
I lay down next to her and held her hand.

I hope shes ok.

-flash back end-

Reader POV

My clothes felt different.
They looked different too.
I tried to get up but was trapped by something or someone...
If I'm dreaming don't wake me up.

I realised this is Hiccups room, I'm in HIS clothes, HE slept with ME (not like that!).
OhmiThor I'm gonna faint.
Why did he do this??

I remember now...

I felt tears fall down my face.
I pulled my hand out of Hiccups grip and covered my face, silently crying trying not to wake him.

I suddenly felt him tighten his grip on me.

"Please stop, its not your fault"

"Yes it is!"

Hiccup pulled me to face him where he hugged me tightly.

"Its not"

I cried into his chest.

"It is!"

"Its not your dragon instincts took over you couldn't have done anything to stop it"




"Nope its not you and it won't happen again"

I calmed down a bit.

"Why did you stay with me?"

"Because I was worried about you (y/n)"

I heard him start to sob.

"No stop you'll make me cry again"

"I'm glad you're ok (y/n)"

"I'm sorry Hiccup"

"Its ok now..."

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now