When you see the 🎼 you play the song. There will be a third part because I'm a troll. When you get up to the part with the second song, based on the stage set up what do you think it is?
Hiccups POV
I stood in a suit on the side of the stage, (y/n) on the other.
She was worried about performing this because she didn't want to sing in front of a whole crowd, so we made a deal with Astrid to change the song if we match the dance STYLE with the song.
but the style is ballet... Not that easy when you only have one foot.
(Y/n) was beautiful, she wore a white dress down to her knees and had her hair down, she was bare foot and had a bow on her tail.
She was an amazing sight.
I smiled at her from across the stage and she smiled back.
"Now presenting, Hiccup and (y/n) performing in the rain"
Reader POV
I stepped out onto the stage and stood in first position. With a single light on me thanks to a dragons flame.
I saw Astrid press the play button and point the speaker towards Hiccups contraption that amplified the sound.
I stepped slowly across the sage and spun making my dress spin around me.
I waited for Hiccups que.I kicked my leg up as high as I could and gently fell to the ground, Hiccup then ran onto the stage and helped me up.
He spun me around and we stepped back and fourth.
We broke and mirrored each others moves as we jumped and leapt across the stage.
I ran toward Hiccup and jumped into his arms where he spun me around and put me down.
With our hands locked together, he spun me around.
He slightly slipped because of his leg but regained his balance and continued.
I never knew Hiccup could dance.
I twirled across the stage, pirouetting into Hiccups arms.
We danced across the stage and I looked into his eyes and smiled just as he did.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too" I whispered back.
I then broke off and spun around quite quickly before jumping back and landing making my dress bounce as Hiccup danced around me.
I curtsied to Hiccup as he bowed to me taking my hand and throwing me into the air, catching me in his arms and spinning me around.
You could hear the crowds ooos and aaas.
Hiccup spun me out and I spun back in as he wrapped his arms around me.
Hiccup smiled as I ran across the stage making my dress blow behind me.
I leapt toward Hiccup and spun back into his arms.
I let go and danced across the stage Hiccup copying my every move.
The song stated to end and I leaped into Hiccups arms once more.
He held me close with his forehead on mine as we slow danced.
The song ended and we stopped smiling at each other, I had my tail around him and our foreheads touched.
He then leant in and kissed me deeply.
The crowd cheered and we bowed running off stage as the curtains closed.
I hugged Hiccup tightly.
"I LOVED IT! You were so good!" I said.
"Thanks, but hurry, you have to get ready for your next performance!" Hiccup said.
The village didn't know I was performing again, they asked me to song so thats what I'm doing.
We ran in opposite directions, Hiccup went to set up and I went to get changed.
I changed into a pink dress with pigtails and school like shoes.
I ran back onto stage where Hiccup was setting up massive building blocks around a huge cradle.
He turned to look at me.
"You look... So... Adorable!" He said hugging me.
"Ok, ok, I love you too but, I got a song to perform so scat!" I said kissing his cheek.
"Love you" he said kissing me back and running off to set up the music.
"Love you!" I yelled back.
I jumped into the massive cradle and ducked down hiding behind the bars.
I really am having fun.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...