Reader POV
I'm so happy that everything is back to normal now. It's all 1000% normal and boring. Just like the good old days back at the sanctuary.
Man that was ages ago.
I was snapped out of my train of thought by Hiccup, flopping over my lap like a cat like dragon *cough* Toothless *cough* would.
"AHH! Hiccup what the-"
"I'm booooorrrreeedddd" he complained.
"Me too" I said.
Suddenly I got the best idea, an evil smirk grew on my face.
"Oh no" Hiccup said noticing my smirk.
Within seconds, I pounced up and started to play fight and tickle him.
I hovered over him, attacking his aides making him tear up in laughter. Eventually my laughter got the better of me, making me clutch my sides as they hurt from all the laughing.
Hiccup, being in the same state, did tickle back. Phew. Instead I decided to repeat his actions and flop I've his lap.
"AH! What the- (y/n)" he laughed.
I laughed at his reaction and reached into the coffee table where my book sat.
"How about, I read to you if you paint my nails" I said.
I reached over and grabbed a blue nail polish bottle and gave it to him. Bending my knees so he could reach my feet.
"Alright, have you read this?"
"OMG you're going to love it"
"Well read it then!"
"Ok ok, there's a land not to far from here called..."
I decided to return the favour he gave me ages ago, the one where he read me a whole book so I could de-stress.
I put the same amount of passion into reading the book as he did that day.
Narrating the book as clear as I could, as emotional as I could, matching the characters as best as I could. Hiccup, was surprisingly good at painting my nails and quickly finished so I could stretch out over him.
About halfway though the book, Hiccup flipped me over and picked me up to cuddle on the couch, where I read the rest of the book aloud as he listened peacefully and quietly.
"...and that was only the beginning, the end" I finished, putting the book aside.
When I turned to look at Hiccup, I saw him asleep, snuggled up to me, his face buried in my shirt.
I smiled at the sight, adding those little braids into his hair as I always did. I ran my fingers though his scruffy auburn hair and smiled down at him in is sleeping state.
"I love you fishbone, sleep well"
And with that I snuggled up to him and quickly fell asleep too.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...