Reader POV
No answers... None... Those nightmares are only getting worse, and they always end in a death if some kind. We've come to the conclusion that someone is controlling me, it's making me speak other languages and sleepwalk while doing stupid things.
I'm scared. That's all I know.
That book we used to cure my craziness a while ago has nothing in it, we can't find anything else either.
This is so frustrating.
I'm in the great hall with the gang, staring down at my uncontrollable claws on my hands, looking at them with confusion and sadness in my eyes glowing eyes. But then I hear it, a raspy voice, and a maniacal laugh in my head.
"You won't be in control for long..."
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream in my head, clenching my fists.
"Woah who let the bitch out of her cage?"
"You wanna play this game do you?"
I was about to respond when a jabbing pain erupted in my sides.
The gang snapped out of their conversation and looked at me. The pain went away and something inside me snapped, my eyes turned to slits and my breathing turned to low grows as I glared daggers into the gangs eyes.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n) what's wrong!" Hiccup exclaimed.
"Everyone stay back" Astrid instructed gesturing to stay back.
"What's going on?" Stoick yelled from across the hall.
"SOMETHINGS CONTROLLING (y/n)!" Hiccup yelled back.
I started to crawl on to the table, sitting in a dragon like stance. I looked around but only saw a spiedia like filter in my eyes, blurring out almost everything except for the people around me who by now mostly sounded like muffled voices.
"Everyone out!" Stoick yelled, making all the Vikings but the gang leave and attracting the attention of my mother, who ran over and tried to approach me.
"Sweetie? Honey? It's me, it's mummy, I know you're in there..."
I snapped at her hand and growled.
"WOAH OK!" She yelled stepping back.
"Milady please..." That was Hiccup, I could hear the sad crack in his voice but couldn't do anything, I wasn't in control anymore.
"Hiccup, you're closest to her, try and snap her out of it" Astrid said.
Hiccup nodded and gestured for everyone to step back.
The closer he got the more I wanted to break free, and the more aggressive my dragon side got.
"(Y/n) listen, let me train you ok?"
He stretched his hand out in training position, making me growl even more. He got closer and closer but when the tips of his fingers brushed my scaly skin... I pounced. My dragon side took over my mind and I leapt forward, knocking him over and pinning him to the ground.
The gang stepped back in fear and shock, Astrid launched forward to pull me off but was held back by Heather, telling her to wait.
I shook my head and clutched it in pain, freeing myself from my prison.
"You win this time..."
I already felt myself start to tear up as I returned to normal.
"What?" I said.
"OH GODS (Y/N)!" Hiccup exclaimed, scrambling up and hugging me.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I sobbed.
"Shhh, it's ok, you didn't hurt me, you didn't hurt anyone" he said.
"But you didn't, you fought it"
I took a few deep breaths and looked around, seeing the scared and worried faces of the gang, chief and my mum, in the now empty great hall. I collapsed into my hands.
"I'm so sorry..." I sobbed.
I was reassured that I didn't hurt anyone and I couldn't help it, the gang were instructed to search the island for any intruders, while Hiccup and my mum babied me for being 'so brave' and 'fighting it'.
To whoever is controlling me... Im afraid to admit you might have a chance...

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...