Chapter 65 | thats your mother?!

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Reader POV

"I know- but-"

"Is she a ghost?"

"Well no-"

"How is this possible?"

"I don't-"


"Is she invincible?"




The room fell dead silent.

So this is what happens when you introduce the gang to your long lost mother.

You get swamped with questions.

I face palmed myself as my mum laughed.

"Help me out here Hiccup"

"Just let mrs. (L/n) settle in! Now Astrid can you take her to pick a dragon, I have to talk to (y/n)" he said.

"Sure" Astrid said, she walked out with mum, going on about deadly nadders.

Hiccup dragged me in the opposite direction.

"What?" I asked.

"Well now that the drama is picking up, we might not be able to spend much time together, So I want to now" he said.

I smiled at him.

"This is why I love you" I said pecking him on the nose, before I could step back, Hiccup pulled me in and kissed me full on the lips.

I kissed back, placing my hands on his chest.

He pulled away and hugged me tightly.

"You always smell so nice..." I said.

"So do you, you smell like strawberries" he said.

"You smell like grass and mint" I said.

It was silent for a moment while Hiccup just hugged me.

Suddenly he swept me off my feet and picked me up.

"What?" I giggled.

Without a word he just carried me down to the beach and sat down with me in his lap.

"What" I said.

"I like cuddling with you" he said.

I cuddled up to Hiccup in response, and he cuddled up to me.

"Have I ever told you I love you?"

"Only 1000 times" I laughed.

"And don't you forget it!" He said tapping my nose.

I felt safe with Hiccup, he was my other half, he made me feel complete. Every time I'm around him I feel a sense of peace. I can be myself, I can spill my feelings. I've become so comfortable with him, and around him.

He's everything to me.

"You're a flipping cutie" I said.

"No you are" he replied.

"Me? No, you"

"You" he said.


"Youuuuu" he pouted.

I giggled at his adorableness.

"Will you ever stop being so amazing?"


"You better not" I said.

He pulled my head onto his chest, I could hear his heart beat.

I kept my arms close and snuggled up against him.

I could silently hear the classic HTTYD theme play in my head, along with romantic flight and forbidden friendship as I looked out at the sparkling ocean.

Every so often you could hear laughing and yelling in the distance as well as dragon roars.

We were silent for ages, just enjoying each others presence, but my sleepiness took over.

Looks like I'm taking a nap.

Hiccups POV

When I looked down at (y/n) she was asleep, I don't blame her, she got almost no sleep last night.

I better take her home.

As quietly as possible I stood up and half her close in my arms.

I carried her back to the edge where I saw the gang, helping mrs. (L/n) with a deadly nadder.

"Hiccup do-" Astrid began

"SHHHH!" I shushed her.

She put a hand over her mouth.

"Sorry" she whispered.

"Every thing ok?" Mrs. (L/n) said.

"Yeah, (y/n) just fell asleep" I whispered.

"Well I'm almost done here, I'll come home soon"


I turned and walked home, sitting on the sofa with (y/n) in my arms.

I smiled down at her sleeping state and brushed some hair from her face.

"I love you"

-short time skip-

Your mothers POV

Well that went better than expected, I still need a name for my nadder though.

After locking up the dragons in the stables, I walked home too see my daughter and boyfriend, asleep snuggled together on the sofa.

"You better keep him (y/n), he's the one"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now