Chapter 105 | on edge

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Reader POV

Somethings been going wrong in Berk... Again... We've checked the borders on the island and there's no ships in sight, the twins aren't misbehaving as much as they usually do, and it can't be my dad and his feet because I brutality ripped him to pieces. No regrets.

So what is it?

Hiccup hasn't been sinning, nor have I, and the gang seem completely normal. Moonbeam says she knows nothing, the only thing different about the dragons are the fact that the kids are big enough to be flown now. So what is it?

Hearing noises in the night is normal for me, and having insanely bad nightmare like visions that make me wake up in tears in normal. But something is definitely different.

"Are you ok?"

I jumped at the sound of his voice, turning around to see Hiccup with a worried look struck a chord.

"S-sorry! I don't know what's happening with me..." I said.

Hiccup jumped over the back of the couch and sat beside me, turning me to face him.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?"




Damnit he knows.

"Haven't you felt on edge lately? Like somethings not right in the island, well, more than usual anyway" I asked.

He gave me a confused look, but that quickly turned to a sudden realisation.

"Well... Kinda"

I smirked at his words.

"Told you I'm not crazy" I sassed.

"M-maybe it's a dragon thing? You know because of the wings and all..."

"Well the how can you feel it?"

That's stumped him. He sat in silence, deep in thought looking for a solution.


He looked up at me with worry in his eyes.

"I'm scared..."

I took a shaky breath and bit my lip in fear, slightly hanging my head in a slight sadness on not knowing why.

"Hey" he said scooting closer to me and pulling me into a comforting hug.

"It's ok, I'm here, I'll protect you for as long as I live"

I hugged him tightly back, enjoying his warm embrace, I snugged my face into his chest and tightly closed my eyes in fear of being separated again.

He moved to lean against the arm of the sofa, still keeping a tight grip on me.

"Do you have panic attacks?" He asked with concern written in his words.

"I-I didn't but I might get them..." I hesitated.

My words only made him hug me tighter.

"I don't want to be separated again..."

Those words made the memories come flooding back.



I jolted awake and hid under the blankets.

"(Y/n)" Hiccup said tapping my shoulder.

I sat up and snuggled up to him where he put an arms around me.

"The dragons, they're gone!" He whispered.

"What are th-MRPH!"

I was suddenly put into a head lock and a hand was around my mouth. A person grabbed Hiccup and held a syringe up to his neck.

"MRPH!!" I tried to speak but nothing happened.

Suddenly I saw the syringe stabbed into his neck as I felt a jab in mine. I threw a hand over my neck in pain as did Hiccup. My vision got blurry and the last thing I heard was Hiccup struggling and trying to call for help.

-flashback end-

I closed my eyes and tried not to scream or cry at the memory, I gripped onto the ends if Hiccups shirt in fear, hoping he'd get the message.

"Make it stop..." I squeaked.


"I don't want to remember those days..." I sobbed.

"Listen, sweetheart, there gone, they're over, I'm here ok"

"What's to say they won't happen again?"

Hiccup paused for a moment.

"Even with that risk I'm not letting anything happen to you, I promise you that, (y/n) please don't cry"

I took a deep, shaky breath and started to calm down as Hiccup started to play with my hair and rub circles on my hands.

"Those days are over ok? Just focus on the present, I'm here it's ok"

I nodded into his chest and took a few more deep breaths, as I became drowsy from the day of work we had.

"Get some sleep ok, you need it" Hiccup said, running his fingers through my hair.

"Ok" I mumbled, already beginning to fall asleep.

Hiccup kissed me goodnight and let me fall asleep in his arms, probably falling asleep himself.

But I can't escape the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now