Reader POV
"Ahhaaha! Stop that tickles!"
Lightstrike and starshock were biting on my skirt trying to rip it apart and their tiny feet were tickling me.
Hiccup was studying about why starshock can fly with one tail fin and why it glows.
I pulled them away from my skirt and held them in my hand, they're so cute.
They gave me a gummy smile as I hummed.
"Now listen my young dragon friends and I will tell a tale,
Of days when vikings feared the sound of monsters distant wail,
For was a time not long ago when wars were bravely fought,
Against a foe we feared before a lesson we were taught,
That night of fury one did dare to set aside his dread,
And place upon a winged villains gentle head,
Now time had passed and what was once our cursed enemy,
Now carries us to battle against our threat across the sea!"
Race to the edge season 3, love it.
"And that is how your fathers rider made peace with your kind" I said.
The two children hopped around excitedly.
"Was that my song?" Hiccup asked.
"Yep, but in dragoniese" I said.
Hiccup laughed.
"You know me better than I know myself"
"That what happens when you're a fangirl"
Hiccup laughed.
"Well those books were useless" Hiccup said.
"Lets do something Hicc"
"Ok what do you want to do?"
"Lets go for a walk"
With that Hiccup and I left the house and walked hand in hand through the village.
We talked about how cute we found each other until...
"Who's there?"
I clung to Hiccup like theres no tomorrow.
"Check the markets"
With that we ran off toward the market where everyone was crowded around someone.
We pushed through the crowd.
"Heather!" I exclaimed.
"You exist!" She said.
"I was told that you're in trouble by a trader, uhhh..."

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...