Chapter 7 | an awkward good morning

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Reader POV.

I woke up on a sunny morning to the light flood though the window and shine in my eyes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Morning m'lady"
I snapped my eyes open and jumped outta my skin.
"I didn't mean to startle you, sorry"
I poked my head out from under the blanket and saw Hiccup sitting in the window.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"Eh, couple of minutes give or take" Hiccup said.
"Not creepy at all" I said.
"Well I was wondering if you wanna go out for a fly today?" Hiccup said.
OH MY FLIPPING THOR. Did he just ask me out?

"You can bring (d/n) if you want, then we can leave Toothless and (d/n) alone" Hiccup said.
I laughed at that.
"Sounds good, when will we leave?" I asked.

"Maybe when your not wearing a way oversized shirt and have hair all over the place" Hiccup said.
I realised what I was wearing and blushed. This is my crush we're talking about!

"Ok" I said.
I got up and went over to comb my hair out and get some clothes. I opened the draw and remembered Hiccup was here. I turned to see him looking red.

"Well" I said.
"Oh, uh, sorry" Hiccup said then walked out.
After making myself presentable, I grabbed (d/n) and met Hiccup and Toothless over at the entrance to the dragon sanctuary.

"Ready to go?" Hiccup asked.
"Yep, race ya!" I said taking off.
"Hey no fair! Your half dragon!" Hiccup yelled said flew after me.

-time skip bought to you by Toothless's gummy smile-

We landed on itchy armpit, I still laughed at the name, and went over to the cliffs edge.
"Lets leave the two love dragons alone shall we?" Hiccup whispered to me.
"Lets" I whispered back.

"Should we take a stroll m'lady?" Hiccup said and held out a hand.
I took Hiccups hand and tried not to die of excitement as we started to walk down into the woods.

Toothless started to follow but Hiccup gestured for him to stay.
Toothless nodded and turned back to (d/n).

We stopped by a lake and sat beside it.
"So my mum told me that you've been talking about me" Hiccup said.
I went wide eyed and blushed.
"Yeah... Your flight suit" I lied.

"What have you been saying?" Hiccup laughed.
"That its cool and would look awesome with a night fury tail" I lied although thinking it would actually be cool that way.

"Huh, that would be cool" Hiccup said.
"Yeah I'm a genius" I said.
"Might have to add it" Hiccup said stroking my hair for some reason.
I still can't escape the feeling that this is a date. Which is why I'm trying not to spontaneously combust from excitement.

" What did you think of me before you came to this world?" Hiccup said.
"Well I thought you were, smart, cute, funny, kind and an amazing person in general" I said.
"Cute huh?" Hiccup said.

"I said that?" I said.
"Yep" Hiccup said.
I awkwardly looked away.
Damnit (y/n)! What where you thinking?! I wasn't think thats the problem.

"Do you still think that?" Hiccup said.
I held my breath and went red. I looked away and laughed awkwardly.

"Well..." I began.
Suddenly there was a roar coming from where we landed.
We ran up to see (d/n) and Toothless playing tug of war with a tree.

We both let out a sigh of relief.
I looked away and blushed like mad. Hiccup noticed this and asked:
"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing" I said.
"Are you sure?" Hiccup said.
I nodded and walked to the edge of the cliff.
I sat down and hung my feet off the edge.

I put my head in my hands covering my red face and leaving my eyes and nose uncovered so I could breathe and see the world.
I don't know how to handle crushes.

Back at home I could watch the movie and fangirl about how hot Hiccup is out loud but here its a whole different story.

Hiccup came and sat beside me.
"Did I make you uncomfortable? You look down" Hiccup said.
"No its, just... Uhhmm" I tried to think of an excuse.

I looked around and tried to make something up.
"Complicated" I lied.
"Is it a girl thing I won't understand?" Hiccup joked.

That make me laugh.
"No, but its true you will never understand our minds" I said. 
We laughed for a good minute or two before we couldn't laugh anymore and stopped.

I looked over at Hiccup and started at his adorable smile.
He made eye contact with me and we stared into each other's eyes for a while.

" have beautiful eyes" Hiccup said breaking the silence.
I felt my face go red.
"Thanks" I stammered.
We both looked away and went all shy.

Why did he have to be so cute?

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now