Reader POV.
My mum is currently braiding my hair, and it's painful.
"There!" I stood up and leaned on my crutches.
"Beautiful!" Mum said.
I looked at myself in the mirror, it's actually alright.
Hiccups POV
Suit, check.
Guests, check.
Food, check.
(Y/n), soon...
I was currently talking to the gang, they all looked so different and wired in formal clothes.
"Hiccup she'll be fine" Astrid said.
"Yeah she's probably just getting dressed up for you" Heather added.
I felt my face heat up.
Thor she's gonna be beautiful.
"Maybe" I said.
"I bet she'll be wearing something long"
"Nah it'll be short"
"I reckon knee length"
As the suggestions flew around the gang I turned to look at the door, where I saw mrs.(l/n) walk in.
I took a few steps closer and then I saw her.
She was beautiful.
She wore a long blue dress, with several petticoats, her hair was braided and she almost looked glittery.
I felt my face burn the heat of 1000000 suns, I bet I look like a tomato.
Reader POV
As I walked into the great hall, all eyes fell on me, little old me in a dress, leaning helplessly on my crutches.
My eyes met Hiccups, who was staring me down, and THOR HE LOOKED GOOD!
He had a white shirt with a black tux and a night fury looking scaly tie, and topped with the braids I put in his hair,
He looked so cute.We stared at each other for a while as we got closer. Eventually meeting in the middle of the hall.
"You look so beautiful" he said.
"You look, so...handsome!" I replied with a smile.
His smile grew, a lot.
"Thanks" he said, quickly kissing my forehead.
I stared into his deep green eyes.
"You should see the gang, they're all dressed up, even ruff is wearing a dress!" Hiccup said.
"WOAH WHAT?! That's something you don't see everyday!" I said as Hiccup took my arm and lead me over to the gang.
Astrid and Heather looked like they we're going to explode, Fishlegs was reading, snotlout was trying to pick up chicks and the twins were pouting over having to wear formal attire.
"OMT YOU LOOK AMAZING!" Astrid squealed.
She had her usual braid with a knee length red dress.
"The fandoms gonna go nuts!" Heather added.
She had a long silver dress and her usual braid.
"You both look so pretty!" I squeaked.
This is the first and last time you'll see me acting all girly.
Hiccup giggled at our stupidity.
I sat on the end of an empty table and, leaned my crutches against the wall.
We all talked for a while when the music started to get slower and Hiccup approached me.
"May I have this dance?"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...