"No trace of him chief" Astrid said as she came back from searching the woods.
"No sign he left either" Ruffnut said.
"We must find him" stoick said.
"Why, you could always make me chief?" Snotlout said.
Stoick shot him the death glare.
Astrid looked at the letter one more time."well this (y/n) girl is half dragon, maybe she took him to hellhighns gate" Astrid said.
"What makes you so sure?"
"We find Hiccup if we find the girl with the dragon wings"
(Back with you)
Reader POV.
"Ahh the dragon whisperers have returned"
Me and Hiccup were out getting supplies from the traders.
"Sure are" Hiccup said.
The traders didn't know our names, we always wore masks or helmets around them to protect our identity.
I also wear a cloak to hide my wings and tail and a hood to hide my night fury ears."Just the usual?" The traders asked.
"Yep" I said.
We collected our stuff and said goodbye before taking off back to the dragon sanctuary.
Apon arrival we put all our stuff away and went over to our dragons to spend some time with them.
Hiccup took off with Toothless for a fly and I teased (d/n) about her love life."Still haven't told him I take it"
"shut up its alot of pressure, considering hes the last night fury and all"
"It'll be fine!"
"What about Hiccup?"
"Shut up"
The sun started to set and we eventually made our way home.
(D/n) slept downstairs and I struggled to sleep I was staring
At the roof when I heard a thump.
I sat up to see, Toothless?"Toothless?"
"Uhhh... (Y/n) what does (d/n) like?"
"OMT I knew it!"
"Shhhhh! She might hear!"
"Sorry! Well she likes racing, flying, dragon nip, fish- mainly Icelandic cod annnd..." I whispered the last part "you"
Toothless's eyes widened.
"I... Thanks!" He said and jumped out the window.
Looks like (d/n)'s going on a date.
I lay back down and fell asleep.Darkness, darkness all around me.
It was all I could see, I opened my eyes and saw chains and smoke.
I pulled at the chains and tried to get loose, no use.
Suddenly I heard crackling and saw flames be built up around me.
Suddenly someone came up to me.
They had a knife.
"You foul curse from hell"
Stab. I was dead."AHHHHHHH!!" I screamed as I sat up.
I breathed heavily and found I had been crying. My eyes were wet and puffy and I had sweat dripping from my forehead.
It was all so real... And that voice... It was so... Familiar."(Y/N)!"
I turned to see Hiccup at my door.
I screamed that loud?I wiped the tears from my eyes.
Hiccup walked up to me and sat beside me.
"Whats wrong?"
"I...I died and that voice, it felt so real"
"Nightmare huh?"
"More like... Vision, it was so real" I said wiping the sweat from my forehead. "and... I died..."
I then realised. I died, in my 'vision'
I died, if that was real...
I started to cry."Hiccup if that was real..."
"But is wasn't"
"But if-"
"Then I'd cry at your gave everyday! Your the first person to appreciate me for me (y/n) like I'd let you die anyway"
I sobbed some more and jumped into Hiccups arms.
We hugged it out for a while when I realised that I was hugging him. Oh my Thor, I'm. Hugging. Hiccup. And he's hugging me back.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...