Chapter 76 | and so it begins

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Reader POV

I walked through the dirt after a long days work, they managed to put us in handcuffs and shackles and make us help work on project merge, I haven't seen Hiccup in days, I hope he's ok, they separated us when they arrived at the island.

I dragged my tired feet along the ground as I was eyes down by a guard.

The bottoms of my pyjama pants I was kidnapped in and the shackles around my ankles dragged along behind me.

I was locked into my cell and given food, that I denied. I know I promised Hiccup I'd eat, but not now. I just can't, I have no appetite.

I know Berk is looking for us out there somewhere, I know it. But it feels like they're so far away.

I curled up in a ball against the wall and felt tears begin to form in my eyes, and before I knew it I was full in crying, again.

It felt so weird not having Hiccup there to comfort me like he always does.

I feel like crying, even though I already am.

I pushed the hair from my eyes and pulled at the chains around my ankles furiously, getting weaker with each sob.

Nothing. They won't budge, at. All.

I hung my head and felt tears fall from my face and onto my muddy ankles.

Looks like I'm crying myself to sleep again.

"Down here"

"How do you know?"

"She's crying Snotlout!

"How do you know?"

"You are as dumb as that dragon of yours!"

I swear I just heard Astrid.

I looked up and saw nothing, so I hung my head back down and let out another sob.

"Oh yeah I hear it now!"

"Ugh, just go tell the others I got her"

I heard metal clang against the bars of the cell.

Stop with the games brain.

I suddenly felt an arm grab my arm and pull me up.

I looked up and saw Astrid giving me a 'you're an idiot but you're my friend anyway' look.

"HOLY CRAP ASTRID!" I exclaimed with fright and excitement.

"Hold still"

Before I could protest my shackles and handcuffs were cut open with the blade of Astrids axe.

"You can thank me later we don't have much time, Heather and the twins are looking for Hiccup, and we got dragons all over the island in a huge battle" she said pulling be down the hall.


"Just go with it! We need to get (d/n) and Toothless in the air"

I was pulled to a cage with (d/n) inside.


She looked up and happily jumped around.

"We're gonna get you out"

Astrid wedged her axe in between the door and forced it open.

I ran up to my dragon and hugged her.

"I missed you girl, wheres the kids? And Toothless?"

With those words, (d/n) took off, Astrid and I followed close behind, we busted them open and I kept the kids in the bag on (d/n) saddle, its not safe for them here.

"Come on we gotta get you to your mum and the group" Astrid said.

I followed her close behind as we walked out the back way un detected.

We snuck though the bushes where we found mum, Stoick and Valka.


I run up to her and hugged her.

"Are you ok? Please tell me you're alright, what did they do to you?"

I frowned and hung my head before feeling the tears start to fall again.


I was engulfed in another hug.

"We'll talk about it later, nows not the time"

"Have they got Hiccup?" Stoick asked.

"Not yet, they know where he is though, We have Toothless and (d/n) but we have to get (d/n) and the kids to safety" Astrid explained "Toothless can fight (d/n) has to stay with her kids"

"Get cloudjumper to take them home" Stoick said.

With a nod Valka took (d/n) and the kids to cloudjumper.

"Wheres Hiccup?" I sobbed.

"Honey, I know you love him, but do you understand that we might not be able to see him until after the fight, we'll all be in different places" mum said.

"But- I-"

"I know it's painful, but you're a strong, independent woman, you can hold onto it forever"

I took a deep breath.


"Good, now we need to get into the air and try and destroy the portal" mum said.

I nodded and jumped on Toothless.

Remembering how Hiccup and I would fly for hours, he'd always have his arms around me when I flew.

We shot into the skies and what I saw was enough to scar someone for life.

This really was a war.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now