Chapter 94 | not so satisfying

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Reader POV

As the day passed by, Hiccup and I did our usual training and talked with the gang. But that night we had dinner with the family, Hiccups parents and my mum.

I swear, we're kids in law to each others parents.

My mum even calls Hiccup son sometimes. While it's kinda wired, we've all gotten used to it.

Over dinner we talked about the usual like how our days were, what we thought of different people and all that. But we were interrupted by a knock on the door that I went to answer.

It was one of the islands teens that like Hiccup... Yay me.

"Can we help you?" I asked.

"Can I see Hiccup" she said.

I was already suspicious. Upon hearing his name, Hiccup came to the door, shooting me a worried glance.

I went back to the table and sat in confusion and silence as Hiccup and the girl talked. I was worried that she might try something on Hiccup.

I swear to Thor if she does...

"It's ok (y/n) it's probably just dragon business" mum said.

"I hope" I said taking a bite out of my food.

Many minutes passed and they were still outside, which made me suspicious.

Understanding my intentions, the adults let me take a peak at what was happening.

I looked out the window and what I saw made my eyes turn to slits.

This girl had Hiccup against a wall and a smirk on her face, I swear she even undid some on the top buttons of her blouse.

Hiccup, angry and confused, stood in silence, trying not to pop the girl in the snout.

Well it's nice to know I have a loyal boyfriend.

Angry, I turned myself somI was inside and yelled for Hiccup to come back.

As soon as he came inside he let out a sight in relief and hugged me tightly.

"You just saved my life, that chick was non stop flirting with me"

I hugged him back.

"I'll have a bit of a chat to her, I don't care if she spreads rumours, we all know what's true" I said.

"(Y/n) no"

"You'd do the same"

"Point taken"

We sat back to the table and stayed close to each other during the rest of dinner.

I helped clean up and went to sleep soon after. And by went to sleep I mean snuggled with Hiccup for a while.

Mentally preparing myself for a bitch fight tomorrow.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now