Reader POV
Well, everyone took my arrival better than expected, I'm being introduced to the village tomorrow and-
I jumped and let out a small scream waking up.
It was pouring, there wasn't even the slightest bit light. Except for the flashes of lightning every now and then.
Usually storms don't bother me, but when you actually see lightning hit the ground it's pretty scary.
My scream woke Hiccup up.
"Since when we're you scared of storms?"
"I don't know- ah!"
I jumped as thunder rang through the air.
Hiccup sat up slightly and hugged me.
I snuggled up to him and hugged him tightly with fear.
"Hey its ok, I know storms can be scary but its just noise"
"Not when you see lightning hit the ground" I wimped.
"Ok that's pretty scary, but I'm here nothing's gonna happen" Hiccup said "just go to sleep, I'm here"
I nodded and snuggled up to him.
It's warmer here on Berk, the ice has been off for a while, maybe thats why.I used Hiccups shoulder as a pillow and wrapped my arms around him.
He put his head on top of mine and hugged me tightly.
My tail stuck out from under the blankets at our feet witch were tanged together.
Soon I felt safe and fell asleep in Hiccups arms.
-the next morning-
"Young love"
Great people watching us sleep.
"They found the one"
"I can't wake them up it's so cute"
I recognised the voices as Hiccups parents. Awkward.
"I'll wake them up"
Uh oh Astrid's here, she better not set Stormfly on us.
Suddenly I felt the blankets be ripped off exposing my skin and silk nightgown to the cold air.
"WAKE UUUUUPPPPPPP'" Astrid yelled.
"No" I groaned.
"Go away I'm tired" Hiccup said.
"Why?" I moaned burring my face in Hiccups chest.
"Because the village needs to meet dragon girl" Astrid said.
I could hear Hiccups parents laughing in the background.
"Can it wait?" Hiccup groaned.
"Nope, come on!" Astrid said pulling on my tail and Hiccups leg.
"Fine! I'm up" Hiccup said sitting up and making me slide onto his lap.
I heard him yawn and shake my arm.
"Get up sunshine" he said.
I groaned in response.
"Come on"
"You'll get a kiss"
I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...