Reader POV
We approached Berk with extreme caution incase of any bitches from my home world.
We landed in the plaza too see a shocking sight.
Everything was destroyed.
Housed were on fire, soldiers were wounded, dragons were hurt, debris was everywhere and all you could see was smoke.
I was speechless and full of guilt, maybe its the smoke in my lungs but I couldn't move, speak or see clearly.
I felt my eyes tear up and my breathing get heavier. Its all my fault all this was done.
I feel sick in the stomach and light headed.
I blinked to try and see clearly and started to hyperventilate, partially because of panic, partially the smoke.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you ok?"
I suddenly got jelly legs and fell backwards into Hiccups arms.
"Don't cry, its not your fault" he said.
"YES IT IS!" I screamed.
"No- (y/n)-"
"ITS MY FAULT AND ILL CRY IF I WANT TO!" I said getting up and sprinting though the smoke, dodging all the obstacles in my way.
I ran to the cove where I was moonbeam appear in front of me.
"I won't ask... But tell me what's wrong, guilt? Fear? The smoke?" Moonbeam said.
"Everything..." I sobbed "and I just went off at Hiccup..."
"These things happen, theres nothing you could do, I managed to block the portal, that'll slow them down" moonbeam said.
"T-thanks" I managed to say before full on bursting into tears.
When you have an emotional attachment to a place and the people there, you can't help but cry.
I'll cry if I want too.
I crouched over so my head touched the ground and cried as loud as I could.
I let out a blood curdling scream and threw a rock into the wall.
Suddenly I felt arms around me.
I screamed in fear and shock.
"NO LET ME GO!" I screamed.
"I'll swim and sail on savage seas with never fear of drowning..."
I calmed down at his voice.
I turned around and hugged Hiccup as tight as I could.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened" I cried.
"Shhh, its ok, you're in shock" Hiccup said.
"I love you so much" I said.
"I love you too, just calm down and we'll go help out the gang, all the fires are out, the smoke is clearing and we have to clean up" Hiccup said.
I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by Hiccups lips.
"We have all night and all day tomorrow, before we go back to defend the edge, just relax, you can sleep"
"No you have to sleep, I'm taking you to the great hall, its not safe out here" he said picking me up bridal style and running to the hall.
It was packed with people taking refuge but Hiccup sat down with me in an empty corner.
"You have a tough life... Just remember I love you ok?"
"I will always love you" I said.
"Do you want to talk about anything?"
"Fine, I thought by coming to the world of my dreams, I'd escape the stress and sadness, and I did- for about 2 months... The fandom hates me, my family hates me, maybe if I knew them better, I wouldn't be trapped inside this hell that holds me, my only escape is you... You're Valhalla and you break me out of the hell I'm trapped in... All this is better than the fanfics, because its real. I didn't ever what to leave you. I just can't wait until this is all over and I can break free, because I can't resist it anymore" I said.
"Well if the world turns on us, you still have me, I will always love you, forever and ever, until I reach Valhalla, I'll always stay with you"
I smiled at my boyfriend and he smiled back.
"There's the smile I love" he said.
I smiled brighter and pulled him toward me, kissing him deeply.
"You're the one I can trust with my life, I love you"

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...