Reader POV
Don't get me wrong Astrid is an awesome character, but I don't really know if I can trust her.
I mean I did 'steal' the chiefs son.
I don't think she likes me.This is all I can think about.
It's currently midnight and I'm in my room, Astrid is downstairs, we locked the house as a precaution.I sat on the end if my bed, holding my Toothless plushie, the actual Toothless hand made himself at home in my room with (d/n). I didn't mind though.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Ehhh" Was all I could say.
Hiccup walked over to me and sat beside me.
"I know it's sudden but to be honest, I don't know if I can trust her ether"
"But you-"
He shook his head.
"That passed a while ago" he smiled.
I smiled, I have a chance...
He put his hand on mine.
Maybe, no, I'm being stupid.
"You want me to stay?" Hiccup said in a small voice.
I yawned and smiled.
"Now get some sleep you crazy dragon" he said.
"Half dragon" I corrected as he shoved me over.
"Sleep" he laughed, putting a blanket over me.
"No buts"
I suddenly had a Toothless plushie shoved in my face.
We laughed.
"You idiot"
"At least I'm an awesome idiot" he joked, sitting back down at the end of the bed, he yawned.
"You-" I began
"It's fine" he replied
I don't know what came over me but I don't regret it.
I pulled him next to me.
"But-" he said.
"No buts" I said shoving the Toothless plushie in his face.
We laughed.
I yawned and let darkness take over as I fell asleep.
-the next morning-
Astrids POV
I woke up to the sound of food being cooked.
"Morning mrs.Haddock" I said "thanks for letting me stay"
"It's quite alright" Valka said "can you wake up the two sleepy heads for breakfast"
"Sure" I said walking upstairs too see Hiccups bed empty.
I shrugged it off and walked over to (y/n)s room.
She seems trust worthy, you can tell shes had a rough couple of weeks, so I'll try my best to stay on the gentle side. I like her sword though, maybe she can teach me how to make it.
I knocked on the door and got no response, I slowly opened it and looked in to see Hiccup with his arms around a sleeping (y/n).
"Aww" I said.
I'll let them wake up.
I walked back downstairs."Sorry after seeing that I couldn't wake them up" I said.
"Hiccup slept with (y/n) again didn't he?" Valka said.
"Yeah" I said.
"Its been like that for a while now, (y/n)s been having recurring visions and gets shaken up easily"
"That sound horrible"
"Hiccup always checks on her, they like each other but haven't admitted it yet, Hiccup is just being a bit of a wimp and trying to drop hints, I think he did a carving or something along those lines" Valka explained.
I admit Hiccup was cute, smart, funny and I did like him.
But after his disappearance, It made me realise I'm my own person and don't want a relationship at the moment, plus he DEFINITELY likes (y/n). And I'm not jealous, well... Maybe a tiny bit, but I think they've found the one. I'm happy for them.
I just hope (y/n) and Hiccup trust me.
After befriending Stormfly, I realise how ruthless and violent Berk is.
Sure if I ran off people would worry, but maybe they will change their minds about dragons, just maybe."Hiccup we have to eat" I heard from upstairs.
"I can't be bothered"
I heard (y/n) laugh.
"Let me go and we can have pancakes"
They're made for each other.
"What did I tell you" Valka said.
"They so love each other" I said.
(Y/n) came down the stairs dragging a half asleep Hiccup with her.
"Nice of you two to join the party" I joked.
Maybe if I was extra friendly, they would trust me.
"The sleepy head wouldn't get his butt out of bed" (y/n) said.
"Because its too early!" Hiccup complained.
"Or is it the fact your overwhelmed with girls?" I suggest.
"Don't remind me" Hiccup laughed.
"Don't lie you love us" (y/n) jokes.
We all sat at the table and ate breakfast.
I ship (y/n) and Hiccup so much.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]
Fanfiction[BOOK 1/1] You are your average fangirl, but an outcast to your family. Your mother died when you were just 3 months old. Your father thinks you are the reason she died and hates your guts. But with the help of your fathers constant yelling, it ga...