Chapter 42| powers and video call

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Reader POV

"Hiccup" I whispered and gently shook him.

"Heavy sleeper" moonbeam said.

"I know what'll wake him up, he ALWAYS wakes up when I cry or scream"

"Aww that's cute"

I screamed a quiet scream before acting scared and hugging up to him.

Just as I thought, he woke up.

"You ok?" Hiccup asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, Hiccup meet moonbeam, a dragon nymph, shes the one from the woods and she fixed my phone"

Hiccup looked curiously at the dragon nymph.

"Hey, nice too meet you" moonbeam said.

"Wow, I gotta write this down"

"NO! No one but you (y/n) and the dragons can know about me" moonbeam said.

"Ok, why are you here?" Hiccup asked.

"Because (y/n) is the chosen one! She has magic powers that can save dragons!"

"Wait what?!"

"I know I have wings ann I can shoot plasma blasts from my hands, but what else?" I asked.

"Twirl your finger in the air" moonbeam said.

I twirled my finger in the air and to my surprise, zippleback gas started to form.


"Now snap your fingers next to it"

I did as told and the gas was lit and exploded.

"that's awesome!" Hiccup said.

"How put your hands together and with your wrists touching open your hands"

Once again, I did as told and death song rock shot across the room.


"I'll tell you the rest tomorrow, I'll go greet your dragons, you two go to sleep upstairs" moonbeam said.

"Ok, thanks moonbeam" I said and pulled Hiccup upstairs.

I flopped into bed and Hiccup flopped next to me wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you" Hiccup said kissing my head.

"I love you too" I said kissing him back and falling asleep in his arms.

I loved being with Hiccup, he's so warm and cozy to be with, I'm sooooo glad I left my world.

I suddenly woke up remembering my phone was working again.

I snatched it from the bedside table and turned it on looking though all my screenshots of Hiccup and Toothless.

I smiled at all the apps I missed.

Instagram, wattpad, YouTube, Twitter...


I quickly tapped on the app and saw all the books I was reading.

Almost all of them are Hiccup x readers.

I'm obsessed.

I wonder if I can message people? I want to rub my relationship with Hiccup in my only friends face.

My only friend, another fan, and pretty much sister is actually my cousin. It's complicated. But we get along so well because we're family.

Well here goes nothing.

The girl with the dragon wings (Hiccup x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now