Chapter Ninety Four: To Be Courted [Part 3] - NSFW

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SUMMARY: Last part of the last two chapters 🥰


A/N: Hi guys, happy (late) Monday! 🥰 I'm sorry for posting this chapter so late - this chapter ended up being WAY longer than I had originally planned (which is fine tbh, I like it when that happens haha) but yes, please enjoy this smutty, soft and sweet mess I wrote for 8 hours today 😭💖 Thank you, as always, for the incredible support and love and please don't hesitate to chat with me in the comments! 👀

**NSFW CHAPTER - KINKS: voice kink, strength kink, scent marking, bdsm, consensual possession, praise kink, spanking, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, body worship, slight overstimulation, strap-on**

Scene at the end inspired by the wonderful @dizzykicks's fic "To Be Soul-Searching" - which is an incredible, beautiful 4-chapter fic on AO3 inspired by MY fic, so it all comes full-circle 🥹❤️ Please go read it and show her some love for me, it's an amazing story and I cannot show my appreciation for it enough!


On Friday morning, it seems that your Lady has to physically drag herself from your side.

She wakes you, by accident this time, before the sun has risen again, the curtains on the far wall dark and dim with the slowly residing twilight. Alcina's already risen from the bed, dressed for her final day of stacked phone calls and paperwork, the rim of her familiar, wide hat casting her beautiful face in a dim shadow. Your bedchambers are just bright enough for the dull ambers to reflect in her golden eyes as she leans down, gently brushing your hair from your neck with a sweet of her gloved, large hands.

You aren't wearing your collar yet — the leather makes sleeping a bit uncomfortable — and Alcina takes full advantage of your bare throat, her long nose nuzzling into the soft skin under your jaw. She breathes in deep before letting out a low, growling moan that makes your cunt ache.

You shift, letting out a sleepy mumble. "HmmmM'Lady?"

"Shh, dulcea mea fată ." Your wife soothes, running her hands up-and-down your thighs under the covers, her crimson lips against your pulse. "Go back to sleep, beloved."

You mumble again, your words incoherent as your eyes slip shut again and Alcina laughs, the sound a warm puff of air against your neck. She goes slow, up-and-down, taking her time in mapping the expanse of your throat with her mouth, trailing sweet kisses all the way into the dip in your cleavage, to the sensitive skin behind your ears. She breathes in deep as she goes, savoring the taste of your scent on her tongue, making her appreciation known with low, rumbling growls of approval.

"Draga mea, iubita mea prietenă. Fata mea bună. Tăcere." She speaks between kisses, taking her special time around your mark, rubbing her jaw and nose against the indents of her fangs. She's scenting you, a part of your brain recognizes and you obediently tilt your head to the side, feeling her long fingers give a gentle squeeze against your hips in gratitude. "Atât de bine, iubito. Ești atât de perfectă, atât de frumoasă. Toate ale mele. Mina."

You have no idea what she's saying but her sultry voice, hushed in the quiet bedroom, is a deep, soothing rumble and you sleepily nuzzle closer. She's hunched over you, her tall, strong frame shielding you and you make sweet noises of your own, floating in the soft moments between sleep and wake.

Her worship of your throat and into the swell of your breasts is cut-off, however, by the grandfather clock in the hallway chiming for the next hour and Alcina huffs, snarling in annoyance.

"La naiba." She curses sharply. Giving you a couple, final firm kisses and bites, your Lady rises back to her full height once more, her golden eyes burning with desire and adoration as you blink slowly up at her. She brushes your hair back, leaning down one final time to kiss your forehead. "Rest, darling. Te iubesc."

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