Chapter Eighty Eight: To Be Detective

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @knix_arts: something with detective maiden based on our art for her please


A/N: Hi guys, happy Tuesday! 🥰 I'm so sorry with not getting the chapter out yesterday - I'm going on a trip to a con at the end of this month (August 25th-26th) and I had to do some planning for it yesterday with my friend, plus it was her mom's birthday so we went out to dinner, I ended up staying the night and yeahhhh, just busy busy! 😅💖 Anyways, please enjoy this fluffy, silly chapter inspired by art my friend did of Maiden a few-months-ago, I promised her I'd make a chapter based on it and here it is haha Thank you all for your love and support and for your understanding about the small delay this week and please enjoy! 👀

ALSO (If I manage to get AO3 to cooperate 🙏🏻), please enjoy the art this chapter was based on at the end! It's posted with 100% credit! Maiden is based on myself for the art since, when I reread the chapters, I'm technically the reader haha She can still look however you want when you read! 🥰


Shoving your entire face between your wife's wonderful boobs is the best way to solve a mystery, in your completely unbiased opinion.

It helps that the mystery is about her tits, technically. It started with one of the castle's old copies of Sherlock Holmes falling into your possession one late July day, the stories scrawled across the yellowed pages capturing your attention for hours while Alcina had been cooped up in her office. From solving murders, to mundane thieves stealing from store cash registers, the adventures of Sherlock and Watson had put you in a particularly problem-solving mood.

Hence: Alcina's boobs.

Scrawled across one of the couches in the library, you stretched as you put the latest novel — A Study In Scarlet — down along the little end-table above your head. Letting out a harsh sigh, you blow a stray piece of hair from your face, glancing down at your lap just as Finch blinks one icy-blue eye open.

"Sorry to wake you up, buddy." You whisper, reaching down to gently scratch behind his ear. Your cat merely mewls, stretching before putting the full force of the entire Earth down with one paw on your thigh. With a yelp, you reach down and gently but firmly scoot Finch off of your leg, huffing out a laugh as he gives you a side-eye, hopping down from the couch. "Where're you going, huh?"

Finch, as expected, has no answer to offer and you groan, throwing your legs over the side of the sofa and sitting up. Stretching your arms above your head again, you brush your fingers through your messy hair before standing, feeling Finch nudge against your ankle with another chirp.

"Lead the way, I guess." You gesture toward the doors leading out into the rest of the Dimitrescu castle's personal wing, following behind Finch as he trots out, his flicking tail held high. "I bet you're glad the girls are out hunting near the duck pond today, right?"

Finch merely meows. You laugh, following behind the cat as he lazily moves from room-to-room, stopping near the stage in the Opera Hall for a few seconds, sniffing around the piano bench. Brushing your own fingers over the ivory, you contemplate sitting down to actually play for a few moments before shrugging, deciding to save the music for another day. Finch leads you down the hallway, pausing outside your wife's closed office door. He paws at the wood, glancing up at you with pleading blue eyes.

"Aww—" Bending down, you gently pat at his side, running your fingers over his soft dark fur. "I know you want Alcina, bud. But we can't bother her right now, she's working."

Finch meows in protest, scratching at the wood again and you sigh, reaching down to carefully scoop him into your arms. He goes lax just long enough for you to smooch him dramatically between his ears before he's pushing against your chest, absolutely digging his toe-beans into your breast painfully. Letting him down, he gives his chest a few licks, yawns once, before turning around and starting back down the hallway.

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