Chapter Ninety One: To Be Cosmetologist - SEMI NSFW

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SUMMARY: No one requested this, just wanted a short, sweet and semi-sexy prompt for this week 😅❤️


A/N: Hi guys, happy Monday! 🥰 It's another shorter prompt this week - I finished the last half on my phone actually lmaoo but I hope you enjoy anyways! 😅 Next week's chapter will absolutely be MUCH longer and an actual request that someone placed, I promise! Thank you, as always, for the incredible love and support! Please don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell me what you think, I love talking to you all!❤️❤️❤️


"M'Lady, you have to close your eyes for this part."

"Are we being bossy, draga mea?"

Groaning softly, you shift from where you're straddling your wife's lower abdomen, feeling the lean muscles of her stomach clench. Normally, this would make your own stomach flutter and you'd be a flustered, red mess in her arms but right now you're too focused on doing Alcina's eyeshadow to care. Mostly. Balanced carefully against her left breast, her spare makeup bag sits and you reach inside, rummaging around until you find a smaller brush, frowning when she continues to gaze up at you with hungry, adoration-filled gold eyes.


Thankfully, your Lady takes pity on the way you pout down at her, her long lashes fluttering as her golden eyes close. Her words send warm puffs of air against your wrists as you gently dab some dark purple eyeshadow across her upper lids. "The expression on your face is utterly adorable, my one true."

"It's my serious look." You mumble, your brows creased in concentration. You huff as Alcina laughs, her stomach shifting under you and you grip at her shoulder with your free hand, rolling your eyes in the safety that she can't see you. "M'Lady, please, I'm trying to finish—"

"Apologies." She says, not sounding very sorry at all. Clearing her throat, your wife schools her makeup-less, beautiful features back into a neutral expression, just the tiniest corner of her lips tilted in a smirk. "Continue, please."

"Thank you."

" — And be very thankful I'm not laying you across my knee for that little eye-roll."

"What—?" Blinking down at her, you meet her amber eyes as she cracks them back open, her right pointer finger coming up to boop your nose. Her other hand, still cradling the hourglass of your waist, tightens a bit. "How did you know?"

"You don't deny it. Fata mea proastă." Alcina says, her voice a breathless, teasing little whisper. "And I have my ways."

"Ugh." Sighing goodnaturedly, you lean down and kiss her forehead, an overexaggerated smooch that gets both her and yourself laughing again, bumping your noses together. Finally, you straighten back up and move to do her eyeshadow again, gently brushing the lighter color around her charming crows-feet. Clicking your tongue, you lean backwards to admire your handiwork, praying you'll be able to replicate it on her right side. "It's looking good so far. . ."

"I would expect nothing less from my beloved." Your wife hums, both of her hands settled back on your hips now, her long fingers brushing teasingly over your thighs, barely ghosting under the soft cotton of your skirts. She gives a low chuckle at the way you shiver. "Oh? It looks that good, hmm?"

"As a-matter-of-fact, yes, it does."

She pinches your thigh, soothing the sting with her thumb when you whine. "Cheeky little darling."

For all her sass, your wife caves as you pout down at her again, her long, full lashes fluttering as you carefully apply her mascara, dipping the brush a few times before putting it aside. You yelp, however, as Alcina ghosts her long fingers under your skirt again, drawing you closer with a soft hitch under your thighs.

"If you don't stop distracting me, Alci, we'll never get this done and I know you don't want the girls to find us and try to get into your makeup again." Wiggling your finger down at your Lady, you do your best to keep the giggles from your voice. "Remember the ruined lipstick tube? You were huffy about it for days. We had to count to ten and do breathing exercises."

For her credit, Alcina grimaces at the reminder and settles, giving your ass a pat. "Later than, draga."

"I'd expect nothing less." Laughing, you do a small wiggle before putting the mascara and eyeshadow brush away, grabbing your Lady's red lipstick tube with a flourish. Poking at her dimple gently but with purpose, you grin. "Time for lipstick."

"Oh, goody." Alcina says, puckering her lips when you tap at her cheek again, her eyebrows raised. She looks so cute that you can't resist leaning down to give her a kiss and you can feel her grin against your lips, her hands cradling your waist giving a teasing little squeeze as you pull away. She clicks her tongue. "I thought we talked about the distractions, iubirea mea?"

"Yeah, yeah." Waving away your wife's smirk, you pop the top off of her ruby-lipstick tube, twisting the bottom. The faint light from the fireplace reflects off the gold metal as you balance it carefully on Alcina's other breast, giggling at her unimpressed look. Holding the lipstick above her lips again, you give it a tiny shake. "Pucker again please, M'Lady."

"You are oh so very fortunate, sweet girl, that I find you so endearing." Alcina sighs.

She finally puckers her lips again and you resist the urge to give her more kisses, squinting down at her lovely features as you carefully work. Running the crimson lipstick across her lips, you put the cap back on with another overly-dramatic flourish, sitting back against her lower abdomen. Alcina hums, the bed under her squeaking as she sits up, popping her freshly-done lips.

She carefully moves you from her lap and you lay on your back in the middle of your bed, starfished as you listen to her sway over to her vanity mirror. She studies herself in the reflection, tilting her chin and squinting, obviously teasing you as you watch her, giving a sly wink.

"Very nicely done, sweetheart." She finally says, brushing a stray dark curl from her forehead before walking back toward you, drawing you back into her arms. "Sclipitor."

She sits on the edge of the bed with you perched on her strong thighs, your arms lazily wrapping around her neck. Preening at the praise, you raise yourself upwards just enough to nuzzle at the underside of her sharp jaw, breathing in the scent of her floral, rich perfume, her large, gloveless hands tucked back under your own thighs. She kneads at the ample flesh for a few moments before cradling your face in one palm, tilting your cheek until your gazes meet, her golden eyes glistening.

"I do have one tiny criticism, though." Alcina whispers, her sultry voice a low rumble, enough to get you trembling.

"Yes ma'am?" Your own voice is just as soft, breathy, your Lady's amber eyes darkening.

She hitches you higher into her hold, brushing her long nose against yours, her hungry gaze darting between your lips and your eyes. Her hands are fully, unapologetically under your skirt now, skidding just on the edge of the elastic of your panties and you swallow, blinking up at her from under your lashes. You spread your thighs a bit, just enough for her breathing to hitch, a pleased growl making her chest shake.

"I think you put a bit too much lipstick on me, little dove." Her grin is sharp, playful and full of teasing promise. "I might need to share some, hmm?"

Your wife does have the grace to wait for you to nod before she's kissing you again, harder than before, lovingly devouring your mouth with her own and you can't help but to gasp against her lips. You've both shared many, many kisses throughout the years — more than you could ever hope to count — but they never fail to make you complete mush and a hot mess in Alcina's hands.

Which, based on the way she nips at your bottom lip and gives a low chuckle, is exactly what she wants. And your wife is someone who always gets what she wants.

As she draws you deeper into her embrace, the excess lipstick smearing across your own parted lips, her rumbling chest presses against your own. She catches your whimpers before pulling away, trailing down your jaw with wet, warm kisses that have your eyes fluttering, your hands tangling in her hat-less, soft dark curls. She pauses at your mark, her ruby lips soft and perfect.

Well, you wouldn't have it any other way.


A/N: Thank you for reading! 🥰

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now