Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I must be dreaming, this can't be real.

I had to read the letter multiple times for the content to sink in, he was inviting me to Neverland and THE Michael Jackson likes me?!

I put the letter down, I picked up the envelope, and yes...there were plane tickets inside, one to fly there and one to fly back home.

I was expecting to read the tickets to find I was flying out in a couple of months and was going to stay for a few days.

Oh how wrong I was.

I began to panic as I read the ticket, he had gotten me a first class seat to fly out to just two days time.
I read the return ticket, I wasn't going to be flying back until a whole month after!

I squealed with excitement, a whole month with Michael at Neverland?!

I was so excited I began to get out my passport, my suitcase, and other things I needed, I wanted to go shopping and buy some clothes to wear in the warm weather, I still wanted to impress Michael so I wanted to pick out some sexy outfits.

But then I had a thought.

I can't just disappear for a month, what am I going to tell everyone?

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