Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Michael's P.O.V.

I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head to one side, "Umm sure..." I said with a hint of suspicion in my voice, Mother grabbed one of my arms and pulled me inside the pantry, the pantry...of all places.

She locked the door behind us and began to speak.

"Michael, Grace is such a lovely girl! You've done very well son, you're a very lucky man!"
I smiled and blushed, "Yeah, I know..." I said through giggling.

"She tells me you only became an item yesterday. Is that so?" She asked, looking at me over the rim of her glasses.

I felt myself burning up, where's this going?

"Umm, yeah, it's true..." I answered.

"Do you really think it was a good idea for us to meet her this soon, to her, it makes it look like you're absolutely serious about her and that you see a valid future for the both of you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

"But it was you who wanted to meet her Mother! And yes, if I'm perfectly honest, I do see a future for us, and yes, I am serious about her! Go on, tell me that it's too early to tell, but I'll disagree with you because I know there's something there, there's already a strong chemistry between us!"

"And she's so young Michael! You're 7 years older than her!" She protested.

"Why does that even matter! If it bothered her so much do you think she'd be my gurl? Age doesn't matter Mother! Not to me anyway! It's nothing but a number."

I looked at her, I was clearly distressed by the sudden outburst of questions and grief given out by my Mother, but, a smile was lingering on her face, she suddenly wrapped her arms around me and gave me a tight hug.

"Okay, what's going on here?!" I asked, desperate to find out the secrets Mother and Grace were hiding.

She pulled away from me, "Nothings going on Son, I just devised a little test, that's all, and you've passed."

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