Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

"Who am I kidding, I can't keep this from her, I can't keep getting scared every time I kiss her, soon she's gonna want more from me, and I'll want more from her, but if I can't kiss her properly how am I going to do anything else? Cheryl's right, I...I have to tell her..."

I started to panic, what did he need to tell me?

I backed away from the door and leaned against a wall, trying to look normal for when he came out of the bathroom.

He came out about two minutes after, he looked heavenly, dressed in some casual blue jeans and a white T-shirt, he had let his black curls down and they were straying over his broad shoulders, I couldn't wait to get him in the pool and touch his bare torso.

He still hadn't noticed me so I cleared my throat, he span round and let out a long breath, "Jesus gurl, you scared me!"

I smiled and bit my lip, I was on a mission to drive him insane.

He looked at me, head cocked to one side, his eyes travelling up and down my body, head to toe, toe to head, again and again. I heard a low but satisfied "Mmm" rattling in his throat, I think it's fair to say he liked what he saw, and I still had a top and some shorts on!

He started to pace towards me, slowly, so teasingly slowly, he had his bedroom eyes on, they were full of lust and want, he was staring so deeply into my eyes I couldn't look away, after what felt like an eternity he was finally up close to me, he took one last step and raised his arms so they were at either side of my head on the wall, he leaned forward, his weight on his hands, I looked up at him, passion written all over his face, he lowered his head so that it was so temptingly close to mine, he whispered, huskily with a rough tone to his voice, "So you think you can just come in here and sneak up on me huh?"

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