Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V

This was an opportunity I could not refuse.

I stopped what I was doing and ran to my phone, I dialled my mums number.
She answered, "Hello?"

"Hi mum" I said "Listen, I need to tell you something, I have to go on a trip for work to California, I've only just been informed about it myself, but erm, I'm gonna be flying out there in two days and I'll be back in a months time, the trip is all paid for, I'm sorry this is really short notice but I didn't know about it myself until today..."

There was a pause...

She spoke "Oh, well I'm not really sure what to say, if I had a choice I wouldn't let you go but ...seeing as though it's for work I can't really say no, just promise me you will be cautious and don't stand for any crap! You hear me?"

I laugh "Yes I hear you, I love you, mum, tell dad I love him too, I'll miss you both! I'll keep in regular contact, bye!"

I put the phone down, I hated lying to my parents but in this particular scenario I don't think I had any other choice, I will tell them though...eventually.
After, I texted all my friends and told then the same thing, that I was going away with work. I felt bad about lying to all my friends and family...

But for gods sake!! I was going to be spending a month with Michael Jackson!
They'll get over it!

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