Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I took a hold of his wrists to stop him, straight away his anger merged into sadness and he melted into me sobbing to himself on my shoulder, I could see that the pain he had been bottling up was now being released.

I rubbed his back, comforting him until he had quietened.

"Sshh, Mike, everything will be alright, you have me now, I'll help you through it, and if I ever come across someone who has said anything bad about you, I'll kick their ass, don't you worry about that, I won't let anyone hurt you..."

He lifted up his head to look at me, he was still sniffling, I cupped his face in my hands and looked at him reassuringly.

"You really mean that?" he asked.

"Of course I do, you might have grown up now but you still need someone to look after you."

He gave me a tearful smile, and hugged me tightly, "Thank you Grace, I'll make it up to you!"

"No need!" I said, he looked at me and smiled, the waterworks had stopped.

Once again he pulled me into him by my waist, my face tantalisingly close to his, our chests pressing against one another's, he took his hands away from my hips and pushed me back a little and said "Well umm... now that I have nothing to hide, I might aswell make the most of having a pure and extremely beautiful girlfriend."

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