Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

Next out of the door was young Janet, I felt a connection with her as she was only one year younger than me.

She jumped into Mike's arms and they shared a tight hug, "It was so good seeing you Mike! I'm gonna miss you heaps!" Janet said, her voice muffled by the hug.

"Oh I'm gonna miss you too! I'll see you soon okay?" Mike said kissing her on the cheek.

Janet then came over to me, "I'll miss you too Grace!" She said hugging me.

I hugged her back, "I'll miss you aswell!" I said.

She looked at me then at Mike, "I can't wait until you're my sister in-law!" She giggled.

"Janet!" Mike hissed and shook his head.

"What?!" She asked innocently.

"Ugh, nothing..." Mike sounded defeated.

"Okay, laters!" Janet called skipping off.

Next to say their goodbyes was Rebbie, she hugged Michael, "I'll miss you little bro, don't get into no trouble okay? I love you." she said, kissing his head.

She came and hugged me, "And you little miss are a gem! Thank you for making my little brother happy again, catch you later!" she turned and waved goodbye to the both of us.

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